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Everything posted by Sal

  1. We need good Jones these last few minutes. Kansas is backing off Askew, and Febres is nothing without a three point shot
  2. TJ Ford is turning in his metaphorical grave right now watching this offense
  3. We did the bare minimum for long stretches to win this game. I'll just withhold any comments until I see what we do in Lubbock
  4. By both Torvik and Evan Miya, Askew is a below-average offensive player. They're mixed on Ramey, but that's probably because he shoots it so well. His passing and ball control stats aren't good. Carr is also seen in a similarly mixed way, with bad shooting stats but the best assist rate on our team. The guards all commit way too many turnovers. Torvik likes Allen as by far our best player, with Jones, Carr, and Mitchell tied for second. Evan Miya interestingly prefers Christian Bishop, followed by Jones, Allen, Carr, and Mitchell. Disu has disappointed so far this year but is the best player on the team for blocks and defensive rebounding. Bottom line: We will have to figure out how to put the pieces together or have more players elevate their game. We fit together better as a fantasy basketball team without enough overlap in skill sets.
  5. No, that's absolutely ridiculous. He and Ramey are the two worst guards on our team by offensive efficiency. Askew shouldn't be playing more than spot minutes, and Ramey should be playing off the ball only.
  6. When was the last time Friendswood had a legitimate prospect? Jaxson Appel in 2001?
  7. We already have the Osteens in the front office. Easterby is Joel, and Cal is Victoria.
  8. Rick Barnes was willing to schedule home-and-homes with quality opponents, which is another easy way to get fans to show up in the fall. Shaka to his credit did the same for the first few years before the schedule quality tailed off by the end of his tenure. Beard put together an awful schedule this year that didn't even include a real preseason tournament. The Abe Lemons Classic was a load of bullshit. Put good teams on the schedule to face your good team in your good arena. It's not hard.
  9. I'm not going to say that some blame isn't deserved among UT basketball fans for not filling up the arena, but a lot of the problem can be fixed by replacing the Erwin Center. The other part of it is simply having a shot at being a winner, and Beard gets us closer to that. The Erwin Center is one of the worst sporting facilities I've ever been in. It's way too big, and the seats are too far from the action. There's no investment in the entertainment aspect of basketball, such as hyping up fans with good highlight videos, using PA sound wisely, and creating excitement for fans as they arrive into some sort of festive atmosphere. It's just a big old ugly tomb where we watched Shaka suck the life out of the team and fans like some sort of primordial lamprey. Those of us who knew Shaka was bad had to sit there and wait for him to leave for five years. It was torture! The new arena is going to make a massive difference in jumpstarting our atmosphere, comparable in my opinion to UH's remodel of their own lifeless arena into the Fertitta Center. Chris Beard will give us momentum as well if we can having a solid showing in the tournament. Students will find going to games and being in the middle of the action fun again, and hopefully CDC gets the other elements of pregame and halftime. A very easy addition to me would be to showcase some of the recent stars we've had in the NBA and showcase them in the new arena. The atmosphere will be noticeably different in the coming years, and hopefully a total 180 from what it's been.
  10. This is a mediocre Beard team, not a good one. I’m not convinced Beard is coaching us well on offense to this point. “They’ll be prepared for the tournament.” Prepared to do what? Grind out a game or two and get upset in the same period by good guards?
  11. Galindo will call them Tre, Mitchell, and Dylan to maximize confusion
  12. Glad my VC deals are going to work out much better than that
  13. We're not just struggling on offense; some guys, especially the guards, are regressing. It could just be a poor schematic fit with Beard, but good coaches make it work better than he has to this point. Hopefully Beard gets things rolling by the tournament, but we don't have a Culver or Zhaire Smith on this roster to save him. Pessimism and déjà vu are starting to creep in again for me
  14. You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big You're not the boss of me now You're not the boss of me now You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big Life is unfair
  15. On par with getting Malik if that happens, arguably better because we know Sark can develop Stewart
  16. Yeah, he curb stomped us in the semis. Thought he’d be a sure thing
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