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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. 95% of the time, posts that try to come off like this fail and you kind of nod your head as you read it and say, yea haha, I know you were trying to be funny but its not even close. thanks for trying. This was not one of those posts.
  2. Can we not sell into the close during the last hour of trading like we have the past 3 weeks. That would be a nice change
  3. Never in a million years would I have thought the market would be down 1 hour after the opening bell after todays CPI report, but here we are. I decided to hold my position overnight and Im just flipping off the market right now. I wont lose any money but I never thought it would be negative 1 hour into trading. I know nothing.....
  4. Just got my renewal. Up another 33%.
  5. I can do it. This time will be different.
  6. I've got a pretty big chunk of my money ready to go in the SPY552 -553 range. I will sell within a day or 2 of the order hitting, most likely, as long as the order hits on the initial 10% correction bounce. After that who knows what is going to happen. If I can make 2-3% on the trade I'll be a happy man.
  7. Is the market going to even try and close above the 200 day average today? Just a complete ass whooping so far. 0 resistance.
  8. Confiscate her computer and look at her search history.
  9. Human beings have too much variation in intelligence for democracy to work. Too much standard deviation from the mean.
  10. Merida is safe and great but holy hell that place is way too hot for us.
  11. Interesting question. My wife and I started doing this on certain nights during COVID to minimize the risk of the entire family getting sick. What we realized was how wonderfully each of us slept. My wife is a furnace and moves way too much at night and I snore like crazy. While we still sleep in the same bed most nights now, if there is a big presentation or we are stressed or we havent slept well recently, we will watch TV together and then around 10pm one of us will go to the guest room. I go back and forth on how important it actually is to sleep in the same bed. I think its a "well of course you are supposed to sleep in the same bed as your wife" but I think its importance will wain over time. We have been married 19 years and counting. We dont need to spent every second together and it allows us some space without feeling bad about it. And the sleep....100 times better and more restful.
  12. Better than a 50% chance we will be living in Mexico in 15 months. From there, no idea. Looking like 6 months in Mexico/ 6 months in Denver or Colorado area each year is most likely scenario as of today. Love it here in Dallas but the weather looks like it wont be cooperating the next 20 years so heading north for the good months in Colorado and the other months in Mexico.
  13. bears and bulls duking it out at the 200 day moving average.
  14. Less than 2 hours to get that bad boy up. Power hour at 2pm after all the sellers are done?
  15. Last stand before 550 and a 10% correction starts to look like a real possibility. could be a good buying time. or not. wtf do i know. could go either way.
  16. if spy closes below 571 in the next couple of days, look out below. just touched it by a cunts hair about 30 minutes ago. did we already have our bounce off the 200 day moving average this past tuesday or is it going to have a meaningful bounce today.
  17. My wife and I use turbo tax because I am cheap, not poor. Her taxes are a mess as she works for an international bank but we get it done in a couple hours time each year.
  18. I could just feel my home owners insurance go up after the last 2 days of storms and the wind damage it caused. Is it even going to be possible to live here in 5 years and have home coverage?
  19. Lower the fucking prices on everything from tickets to popcorn and I'll think about it.
  20. For those who like to trade on the way down, the SPY 200 day moving average is about 571 and both a 10% drop from the recent all time high and a fibonacci retracement from the 350 low in 2022 is at around 550. I put a good amount in for 571 bounce just now. Let's see if it falls there or not this week. Ill put more in to trade at 550 as well if it gets that far.
  21. Ive made my point. No reason to make it 5-10 times in a row.
  22. Against Miss State, who went winless in the SEC and finished last, and a directional school...with OU coming up next and all the expectations this team had at that time. Again, absurd to make that move in the moment with a freshman QB who had seen next to nothing in terms of defenses at the college level coming up against the meat of our schedule.
  23. So we should have let a QB with 0 college football starts coming from a 2A high school lead our team with one of the greatest defenses in Texas history instead of the guy who just came off a Michigan clinic the week before and a national semi final appearance where we were 1 throw from playing in a national championship the year before? You would have made that move in the moment, back in Sept? That's ridiculous. Of course its easy to try and say that now, after its all over.
  24. The season played out the way it should have. It's a really weak case to try and say Arch should have been the starter from week 4 on. It borders on the absurd and would have created a clusterfuck. We were a couple plays away from playing in the national championship, just like the year before. Quin was a very good college QB who had the knowledge needed in Sark's offense to win us the national championship 2 years in a row. What he lacked was greatness. And to win it all, more often than not, you need greatness. It's one of the reasons we came up short both years.
  25. Im not sure what is wrong with me but mine and my wife's is Interstellar.
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