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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. Do you think he is already fired?
  2. My ptsd has me counting down the clock
  3. Thank you for patronizing me.
  4. Extreme excess and irrational exuberance followed by 40 year inflation, war and supply side constraints caused by covid.
  5. After the ethereum merge a week ago looks like some dude copied his ethereum transaction of 200 coins from some old eth fork network to the new network and it went through so that seems like good news. Eth price dropped 20% as soon as it was caught. https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/09/19/ethereum-pow-sees-replay-exploit-for-200-ethw-days-after-rocky-start/
  6. I haven't thought about when a circuit breaker would trigger since we had that little pull back in March 2020. Dow down a cool 1300 so far.
  7. That's because jp Morgan is the only bank expecting we hit an all time high in the s and p by years end at 4900. I assume they are positioned as such.
  8. Cpi 8.3% even with gas coming down. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/13/inflation-rose-0point1percent-in-august-even-with-sharp-drop-in-gas-prices.html
  9. Would have been more noteworthy if we found out Carlsen had been cheating this entire time.
  10. Picture doesn't make sense. And they were US marshals.
  11. It could break the skin. It could lodge under the skin and cause a very bad infection
  12. Im disappointed the pic of the hot fsu chick they've showed like 4 times hasn't been posted.
  13. The Georgia Oregon game doesn't inspire confidence. We need to work on snapping the ball inside 5 seconds on the play clock all week.
  14. Bo nix?
  15. Sorry but this rubs me the wrong way. I have paid off 2 sets of student loans in my life. The first was for 40k back in early 2000s. I took on a second job and paid off 2k a month for 20 months so I know people can pay these loans off. My family was poor as shit but I didn't want this debt hanging over me and my life so I did something about it. If it wasn't for roe being overturned this would probably at the very least keep me from voting dem ticket this year and in 2024. There is such a thing as personal responsibility.. Even in your 20s.
  16. My brother and I started playing this a month ago with the seemless co-op mod and we are loving it. The mod is a true coop experience with very few bugs. This is the most fun I have had playing a video game in a while. If you play these types of games and like playing with friends, try this mod out. https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/510?ref=dtf.ru
  17. What a rags to riches story that is.
  18. Buy her a trip to somewhere she has always wanted to go after she retires. But include condoms in the envelope
  19. Dallas area already up to 102. This better be it.
  20. I believe it is all untapped.
  21. Mineral rights. The family sold the land some years ago.
  22. So yesterday I received an offer to buy the mineral rights to some family land in Oklahoma. Offer is for $3000 an acre. There are about 100 of us on the deed. Offer states it is for some or all of the land. My questions to the lawyers out there and others who may have experience dealing with this... - Is this a low ball offer? I read exxon bought some texas land for the mineral rights for $24k an acre. - should I see about renting my portion out? I have read it can be a real pain in the ass for them to actually pay you though. It's based on barrels per day and of course the price per barrel. - how does it work if other family members sell and my brothers and I don't? Do we get stuck with the crappy acreage or do we all own a % of all of the land and those who sell give up their percent to the company? - what are the other questions I need to be asking?
  23. This game is confusing me sexually when the girls play.
  24. Agree with everyone here. Give it, dont lend it. Allow her to make the decision on whether or not she pays you back. If she gets her shit together, she will. If not, well it is what it is. In the end, it's your family. And you always help family. If it were me and my brother asked for $1500 in a situation like this, I would give it but on one condition. That he seriously sit down and talk to me about his life and ways to improve his situation. For me that would be in person, not over the phone. If you have already had these types of conversations with her in the past in trying to help her (and you feel this time is no different) then just meeting her somewhere and talking. With no agenda at all. At least that.
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