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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. That isn't the same Kirby who coached against us. God teams love to get up for Texas.
  2. Dart pulling a Jay cutler. Game is over. Georgia will be more aggressive now.
  3. I spoke to our pharmacist who oversees our infusion business remotely. She is 76 and lives in NC. She said she stayed up on election night until 3am, she normally goes to bed at 9, because for her it was the most important election of our lifetime. She is a conservative but she always makes the caveat she is not a Trumper when she talks to me. And holy hell is she passionate about it. 2 worlds, both entrenched and diametrically opposed in their beliefs.
  4. Yup. It's common sense. You overestimate our electorate.
  5. Im sorry but this is true. From the data I looked up its a 70/30 split among the US that trans women should not be allowed to compete in girls sports and especially if done after puberty. Im fine with how anyone wans to live their life but its common sense to me there are huge physical advantages for former men competing against women. That wont go away and Im sure had some effect on voters. Hell it was the only ad I saw in Texas. Republicans arent stupid. They see the data as well. It's low hanging fruit. Its all unfortunate.
  6. I woke up at 430 this morning and opened my phone to a result I already knew. I've been through a gamut of emotions since then including anger, disgust, and condescension. 3 hours later I've come to the conclusion I'm going to continue to help and fight the good fight. I think we will be ok. Inflation was the driver and I don't think we are ready as a country for certain things....like equality. Hopefully soon.
  7. Inflation was caused by covid, the subsequent 4 trillion dollar stimulus, and supply constraints. How many people in our country believe that?
  8. Please keep posting results here as well. I dont want to go back and forth between the 2 threads. I prefer just the one. Also, every network is a beating. I much prefer just refreshing the thread here
  9. Just like in the game threads if we don't score a touchdown on our first series....I'm out. I'll check back in a couple hours. Fuck this shit. People are as stupid as I thought they were
  10. We knew pretty early on in 2016 things weren't going well. Like I remember by 8pm going oh fuck he is gonna win.
  11. We knew pretty early on in 2016 things weren't going well. Like I remember by 8pm going oh fuck he is gonna win.
  12. Its ok to feel that way. I do. Unfortunately that's how most people learn but usually its on their deathbed after they have been shitty people their entire lives, voted for horrible policies and candidates and/or influenced thousands if not millions of people to do the same. See dead Koch brother.
  13. Not even close to being true. 2 more presidential elections at least. They will Darth Vader him if they have to.
  14. I want to buy a brick from trump tower for a dollar next year.
  15. Back in the day I'd watch French news almost daily for my Melissa here and didn't understand a single thing
  16. I'm telling you, highs in the 80s don't exist in Texas anymore, both for fall and spring. It is either low 90s or highs in the 70s during either transition. It's truly amazing.
  17. Yea its a trust issue not an empathy issue.
  18. Second time in my life where democracy is at stake here in the US. I hope we make it.
  19. God Tuesday is going to be a beating. So happy Im working that day and wont start watching the returns until about 7pm. Tuesday11am-5pm is gonna be like that year CBS tried to have selection sunday for march madness be like 4 hours and they tabbed Charles barkley to talk for 1 hour on each region.
  20. " I was calling out a single person's actions as garbage you fucking deplorables." - Joe Biden
  21. I think one of my dungeons and dragons characters ended up becoming a grand dragon.
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