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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. People die every day. I dont care one way or another that she died. I do care about how many others this woman infected over the last 4 weeks. I bet those people she infected along with their families care as well.
  2. Man Id just enjoy it all now. At your age either you're in or you're out. I doubt He dings you for enjoying yourself during a 100 year plague.
  3. I vote each new page must have a nurse pic at the top. Much easier to read the rest.
  4. Ms Orbon,RN flew back to NY and is there now at NY Presby. God Bless. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/03/31/coronavirus-covid-19-chris-cuomo-new-york-city-9-11-tuesdays-news/5092222002/ — Janelle Engström Orbon, critical care nurse
  5. My assumptions are this and other drugs such as azithromycin, Kaletra may work well early in the disease process and HOPEFULLY reduce severity progression and improve outcomes along with shortening disease course. If so, then we need to get at home/self administered tests approved and massed produced so that these meds can be prescribed during early onset. From anecdotal evidence these meds dont improve outcomes as much in severe patients, which honestly I dont see how they would as the physical damage to the lungs that manifests itself into ARDS has already happened. The bottle necks are ALL in production. 1. approve and mass produce the at home 15 minute tests 2. approve for use by the FDA and mass produce the drugs which have been shown to work. 3. Mass produce PPE and ventilators. Ramping up all of this will give us time to produce a vaccine which is the ultimate goal. We are still playing catch up but this is good news and there is a path forward
  6. I am becoming more and more upset the CDC is refusing to issue guidance on wearing masks at all times outside of your homes. The data is pretty cut and dry from other countries where mandatory use is markedly reducing spread . Wearing masks provides 3 common sense protections. 1. Masks offer SOME protection for the person wearing it to not get infected. 2. Masks keep the virus from spreading from those who have it and may not know it. 3. Masks keep you from touching your face. The ONLY reason I can see them saying not to wear masks at all time is due to shortages and to protect from a run on them BUT....you can make at home masks which work. To me personally I think it is criminal for the CDC to not issue guidance on this. And every day they dont speak up is a day where the curve continues to sharpen.
  7. The more I think about it the more it is eerily apparent the freedoms of the united states aren't a strength when dealing with a once in a century pandemic such as this.
  8. Tonight I picked up curbside our favorite Italian place and tipped the server who brought us our food 20 bucks on a 30 dollar tab. That count?
  9. I havent picked my nose all day. Never in my life would I think picking my nose could be a matter of life and death. Like Im prepping for surgery.... Just spent 10 minutes taking Chic filet out of the bag and their containers, putting them on a pan in the oven on 170 for 5 minutes, then putting them on the table for us to eat. This is our second meal out since we locked down 4 weeks ago. Dystopian world I go to my infusion pharmacy every day where half the staff is work from home. We all wear our "at home" masks in our processing room and it has lessened anxiety tremendously since we have to mix our meds for patients daily, including chemo, TPN etc. Traffic at 8am and 530pm in Dallas now is like Kramer and his 2 lane comfort cruise When I get home I go in to the garage where I strip down, put my clothes in the dryer and immediately shower. My wife and I and our son all are in separate rooms until this is over. My 8 yo boy has autism so we cant get sick.
  10. No THIS is the greatest post in the history of surly. So you never actually have been tested?
  11. Orders in at spy 206 204 202 and 200. If it just blows right past that then I guess my entry point was s and p 2000. Not sure if I will shut my eyes and hold no matter what or take profits if it bounces high enough. I can't be a pussy forever. Been in all cash since April 2019 so I'm ahead of most.
  12. Any studies out showing transmission to health care workers (Outside of Wuhan). Seems including Wuhan HCW would be skewed since Im sure it took a while for them to adapt.
  13. I will read up on how to do this tonight but can someone explain to me like Im 12 how to put in a limit order? to buy XXX shares of SPY at 206. I dont want my first limit order to fuck up and buy a million shares of CHK. Unfortunately I am considered essential personnel and dont have the option to ever work from home regardless of what type of lock down there is. Unless you nerds dont want your meds... My MM account is through vanguard
  14. My experience is only anecdotal. I’ve seen people get better on treatment and people get worse. I’d say the sample size of our hospital is too small to make any judgements , but nothing close to what I’d call impressive. That’s a bit how it goes treating severe lung infections. Improvement is often slow. Even with appropriate antibiotic treatment of typical bacterial pneumonias once you get a lot of inflammation setting in, improvement is like turning a battleship. It’s slow. Is it standard of care now to start all hospitalized covid19 patients on them both immediately? If so are you seeing less progression from mild / moderate to severe symptoms? I could easily see giving both meds to a patient already at a severe stage with ards and hypoxia being a coin flip at best. My honest thoughts are once you intubate with ards not much is going to work as the damage has been done and likely life long damage even if they do live.
  15. Sit them down and have the read the stories posted on those their age dying. If that doesnt work have them read the front line reports of how the virus kills you and what that is like...the inability to breathe, intubation, basically drowning in your own blood (find youtube videos of ARDS patients)...and that while it is low odds for them to get to that point it is much higher for you and your wife and much higher for their grandparents. If that doesnt work, offer them a grand each per month to stay at home. If they go out for even 1 night, the money is off the table.
  16. HAHA. I remember that class. She had us all stand up when she was talking about what the average person was. She first had all the women sit down, then all the minorities, then anyone who wasnt 5'9'', then anyone who wasnt 150 lbs. At the end I was the only one standing. Ill never forget that.
  17. Im really starting to think we have 4 weeks total of mandatory quarantine, all ages. Then we move to a mandatory quarantine of those 65 and older indefinitely while opening back up the economy with social distancing and hygiene. And let it burn through the under 65 population.
  18. And this is with nursing homes in the US contributing significantly to our death toll.
  19. Whole family having horrible allergies in the last 48 hours. 2020 is not a good year to have allergies....
  20. Started flying my flag outside our house. Not sure why I felt the desire to do so but it will stay up until this is over .
  21. Dec 2018 low. Its what all the retracements so far have been based on. S and P of 2351.
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