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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this letter. I applaud it.
  2. I didnt finish looking at all the positions before I quit reading and Im OK with not knowing. I love all our guys but once I read the title I knew it would be a depressing selection of players.
  3. Arrogant fucking coward.
  4. My wife hates when diablo games are released. I imagine the trend will continue here.
  5. It plagues me to this day but I could never beat the original NES Ninja Gaiden. The game was brutal. I must have rented it from Blockbuster 10 times and kept dying at the same spot. I still carry the burden of not beating it Honorable mention is Sword Quest: Fire World on Atari 2600. A couple of those rooms were just brutal to make it through and I could never find the damn chalice or whatever.
  6. UTGrad98


    This is almost exactly what happened to me. My brother had bought Everquest for me as a birthday present right after Kunark hit. I had never been truly addicted to anything before or really after as I was with this game. I played through PoP before I stopped cold turkey. This is the only game I have had multiple dreams I was actually in the world since I played in first person. By far my favorite game of all time. Just completely addicted to the world. Had been an RPG nerd up until then and this just hit every single obsessive compulsive tendency I had. I never quite stayed up a full 24 hours playing in 1 sitting but there were times where I was by myself and would pull multiple 16-18 hour sessions. I loved every second. I doubt I could ever go back to something like this unless Im both widowed and retired. First max level character was an Ogre shaman, then later leveled up a dwarf priest. Still remember when I was high enough on my shaman to go solo camp Frenzied Ghoul in Lower Guk for the FBSS. Yea I said it...
  7. Playing casually with my brother and best friend on Old Blanchey. It's been a lot of fun so far.
  8. Couldnt have happened to a shittier piece of shit
  9. It's the Japanese porn star diet. I only eat paper, but I can eat as much paper as I want.
  10. A 5% increase in tariffs on 550 billion in goods wont be helping things.
  11. I gotta believe its 3,1,5,4,2 with 1 being a tier above, 2,3,4 as almost interchangeable with 5 doing the dirtiest stuff to make up for it.
  12. NPs I work with do not look like that...
  13. RIP Ced. I have some wonderful memories of you playing here at Texas. Hook'em
  14. How close does it have to be for this to happen ?
  15. I can keep my motorcycles there
  16. The Beeper King
  17. The world is slowly turning me republican, one ridiculous change at a time.
  18. I dont care much for new cars or big houses but I damn sure dont mind paying $1.80 to get home every day in 15 minutes instead of 40 after working 8-10 hours. Money is time saved for me. That's it. Whether it's tolls or paying some kid 30 bucks every 2 weeks to mow my lawn so I dont have to on my day off, I will gladly do it. I used to hate tolls but not any more....and I am as miserly as they come.
  19. You are right but I have 2 points to make on that . The first is I am not having to deal with the stress of having all of my money invested in high risk high reward stocks at a time where I believe the market is on its last legs . Second is there is peace of mind that comes with having your house paid off. I can get there in 4 years if I stay the course . My job stresses me out enough . If we were 2-3 years into a recovery it would be different but we aren’t . We are 10. That may not mean anything this time but historically it does mean something .
  20. We have a 7 year old boy . Part of that 70 percent savings rate is currently paying down extra on our house. Rereading my post above that isn’t clear . Paying it off at the rate I am doing it will save us 180k in interest . Fuck the banks and their front loaded interest bullshit. That alone gives me the drive to pay down as much as I do each month.
  21. I have 30 percent of my 401k in VIGAX and the remaining 70 percent in a money market making around 2.25 percent . In my Roth IRA which has my lowest amount I am completely in SPY. It’s my brokerage account where I am most active . Right now I am 70 percent money market at around 2.25 percent and 30 percent in PGX etf making about 5.8 percent . As I have said previously I got back in six months ago during the December correction and enjoyed a nice return putting my brokerage account savings in amzn spy and qqq. I got out in March or April . I can’t remember . I am waiting for a recession to enter back in fully and forget it. I will either be right or wrong . The thing is with my plan I don’t really care . I will be fine if I am wrong. But if I’m right and we have another recession in the next year then I will be extremely happy.
  22. I’m 44 . My wife and I have a plan to go part time at 48-50 and retire in full around 52-55 but really the bulk of our savings will be done in 4 more years . We save about 70 percent of our income each year and with an estimated 5 percent rate of return moving forward we will hit our goals . I have also been paying down our house so that it will be paid off in the next 4-6 years . I am a minimalist so i don’t need much . I drive a 12 year old corolla and my wife and I have good jobs . She works from home full time and I am full time in my field of study. i agree with you that it is stupid to time the market but it was just overwhelming for me to pull out most everything back in January of last year. In 2018 we made 2-3 percent return between us while most everyone else lost around 6. I have made about 10 or so percent this year but right now I’m on the side lines . I guess my way of thinking is the bulk of our nest egg growth each month come from income not capital gains and I really believed back in 2018 that the ride this cycle was almost over . It is what it is . I don’t need a great return these last few years . If I can get a 10 percent return moving forward I can go part time 1 year earlier. That’s how I view it.
  23. I just want this to be made well. I’ve read the first 9 books at least 3 times through and the entire series once. Such an incredible overall story . Money and greed got in the way of it ending in 6 books like Jordan originally wanted . Should have a ton of content to draw from. I hope they get it right . Actually i I wouldn’t even mind if they just get it ok. What I don’t want is to watch the first 30 minutes and go well this shit is gonna suck ...like some of those 80s fantasy movies. That is my biggest fear. My bar is set very very low. Will be a show i set my schedule around if it is good or even decent . Love the world he created . Can’t wait to see it come to life.
  24. This weekend will be telling. I have been out of the market since March ( amzn qqq and spy) after getting in back in December during all that craziness . I hate investing this way but I made a call in January 2018 to become much more conservative with my 401k and investment account and have been disciplined since then . I really feel like we are at the end of the bull run and I have only invested (almost) fully once since I got out of the market in 2018. The way I see July playing out is if trump slaps tariffs on China this weekend the markets will finally realize there is a trade war going on. This however would give the fed ammunition to cut the fed rate 25 basis points in July . If trump slaps on tariffs and the fed holds in July then watch out . The other scenario is a truce this weekend which would stabilize the markets but would give the fed less ammo to cut rates in July . I think they would hold in that case. Powell has been pretty firm on the fed independence the last 2 conferences he has held . I think July is going to be very interesting . I will wait patiently.
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