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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. Asian with some boob. Asian with some boob. Asian with some boob.
  2. Way too many . I’ve talked my wife into canceling at least one of Netflix or prime so that’s a start.
  3. I am also glad
  4. And here I thought the trump presidency was the last gasp of hatred and bigotry in this country. That decency was finally going to win out . But nope the Democrats are going to eat their young with the now way too overblown metoo movement and all the special dem snowflakes are going to be pissed off come Election Day because the dem candidate offended a random southern middle eastern heritage in a 10th grade essay . They are flipping their shit and going hard left with completely unfundable new green deals when they should be trying to win over the moderate voting bloc. They can’t get out of their own way it seems and trump is going to waltz into a second 4 year term. You think the Supreme Court is conservative now? You think blatant racism and inequality is bad now? Wait until trump get a mandate on all of it with his second term. God damn my party pisses my off. You get what you deserve.
  5. I didnt know how I would react to the conclusion today but I have to honestly say when I read the headlines my first reaction was relief. And that is speaking as a moderate Dem. Im not sure how the country would have handled it had this report concluded Trump colluded with Russia. That said, if you are pissed off, then fucking vote him out of office in 2020.
  6. Sick to my stomach . Will be the first and only time I visit this thread.
  7. It’s time to unplug the internet. The human race is too evil to handle it.
  8. If all of my loved ones have died I wouldn’t mind being shot out of a rocket ship in deep space with 2 days of oxygen and a self destruct button. If we are getting to choose that is.
  9. Keep the picture when it inevitably becomes evidence here in a couple years.
  10. "The first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, the third generation blows it and the 4th generation saves it." I always grew up hearing the "Greatest" generation made it, the Boomers would spend it and the Gen Xers would blow it." They hadnt named the millenniels yet. Like many of you I am a gen Xer.
  11. https://www.change.org/p/taco-bell-taco-bell-needs-to-bring-back-the-chili-cheese-burrito-chilito
  12. Any chance Taco Bell still has the chili cheese burrito , the chilito? I would devour those things growing up. Now they are gone. I’ve never tried to order them since . Anyone have any luck with this?
  13. Your friend shares my brain. That is an awesome story and even better way to live.
  14. Yup. For our family, 1.5-2 million should easily be enough . The best advice is to pay off your mortgage and be completely debt free before you even sniff retirement . Our family plan will have an estimated 45-60 k a year from interest / market returns alone plus drawing down our 401k and IRAs at the minimum distribution amount plus about 25-30k a year from social security. Our estimated expenses in retirement are about 20k a year in bills/cash cars/food, 10k a year in travel and 20-40k a year in health expenses even though my wife and I are both considered healthy. It is the principle in our money market accounts that we never hope to touch . That account however will be our emergency fund basically for state of the art cancer treatments only . Medicare does not pay for those until you have exhausted all other options and we will not wait that long . We see no other really reason to ever use that money as everything else should be covered in some form or fashion with Medicare and secondary commercial insurance .
  15. Initially none of them worked for me either for that exact reason. To get around it lower your household income to get to the level of your estimated retirement expenses and then bump up your savings percent to what you actually are saving per month. That will get you where you want to go.
  16. https://www.bankrate.com/calculators/retirement/retirement-plan-calculator.aspx best retirement calculator I have found .
  17. I grew up lower middle class in the Texas panhandle. Then when my parents divorced we were below poverty level as my mother was a teacher making 19k a year in small town Texas raising 3 boys. Now I do quite well for myself as does my wife . The great thing about growing up the way I did is that I know how to live poor . I still drive a 2006 Toyota Corolla and have no use to spend on myself . My joy comes from saving and investing . I max out my 401k every year and transfer about 50 percent of my net paycheck amount to my vanguard account monthly . I also pay extra in principle every month for our house payment. I chide myself if I miss my target amount to either. We purposefully bought a house way under what we could afford and made a pact years ago our expenses would only be at a level where ONE income could comfortably maintain in case one of us lost a job. My wife has a much harder time saving but I have gently persuaded her to save more over the years. She finally opened a vanguard account last month and will start putting in about 10 percent of her paychecks per month in addition to her 401k. We have a 7 year old boy. Staying on our current track and assuming 6 percent average return before retirement and 3.5 percent return after retirement our plan is for both of us to go part time at age 50. We should be able to fully retire at 55. If the government lowers Medicare age to 50-55 we will retire even earlier as our biggest expenditure will be health insurance from 50-65 provided the laws stay the way they are. House will be paid off at 55 given our current payment plan. We also may move to a smaller house at age 50 and pay cash . That has not been decided but I think we are both for it. I do want to make note that for the entirety of my 20s I played in a rock band in Austin and fucked around . It was the best decade of my life and I deferred my 50k student loans until age 29. I say this because you don’t have to start saving at age 20 or whatever they say in order to retire early. It is a mindset . You can fuck around early and often and still be ok in the end. My wife and I are both 44 years old.
  18. Water and a little soap may inadvertently get on my face while showering which I then rub off with my towel I hang overhead. I probably exfoliate with my electric shaver I use every other morning. My birthday was last week. I turned 44. Still look like I’m 42.
  19. Wont even click the link. My small way of saying fuck you.
  20. Why the hell is everyone trying to turn me into a Republican.
  21. My wife and I are watching this now and are really enjoying it. For those looking to start, just slog through the first 2 episodes. It really picks up after that. I wont come out and say to skip them both and start watching from S1E3 since they are all stand alone but if we had to do it all over again my wife and I would skip them. Our honest thought after watching the first two episodes were that maybe we were just too old for these new age inde shows but man do they get good after that. Entire History of You, White Christmas, and Be Right Back are our favorites so far. Waldo is meh. The rest are good to great. Currently on the 4th season.
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