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Burnt Ends
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  1. The D.O.C is one of my favorite rappers... I was actually listening to "It's Funky Enough" today on the way home. He's been holding it down producing, but man... where he could have been if that accident didn't mess up his voice.
  2. I really hate this man. This country is so easily distracted way too many people have no idea how much of a shit show things currently are. They see 30 second sound bytes from this administration lying through their teeth, telling them how good things are and they believe it. Then in the same breath they say the media can't be trusted.
  3. So um... who's profiting off the fluctuation in the stock market based off these flippant decisions? And do we have anyone left in government to look into this type of manipulation? lol
  4. Ha, my wife has a Hyundai, it's a 2022 and currently getting it's transmission replaced under warranty. Not happy.
  5. This Supreme Court, it always feels like they throw the people a bone, then go back to fucking them. Specifically the conservatives on the bench... I remain pessimistic on future rulings.
  6. Citizens United was in 2010... that opened the floodgate. But to compare Clinton, Bush jr. or Obama, to anything that Trump is doing, is disingenuous at best. Just look at what Trump is doing with crypto, Truth Social, meme coins, etc., he has numerous ways for foreign nations, donors and anyone who wants to get in the action, to slip him money. With no accountability.
  7. Right... even if those sensible get back in power, how does the continuation of government even take place? They've fired or are firing anyone who is impartial, those pledging an oath to the Constitution and country, to serve in the best interest regarding of their political persuasion. So hypothetically in 4 years, does the next President hire everyone who was fired and then fire those who are compromised pledging an oath to maga? We can't repeat this every 4 years with Democrats putting in place programs helping Americans, only for Republicans to destroy it all. Hell I'm worried dude may not leave with all this Third Term Project nonsense. I know they need to amend the Constitution, technically... even so, Trump may just stay in office again and say screw it, Presidential immunity. I've been chatting with my son, who is in college and his friends. The most depressing thing to hear is how pessimistic they are about the future of this country. And I can't think of anything positive to say at the moment.
  8. "Business leaders are paying as much as $5 million to meet one-on-one with the president at his Florida compound, sources tell WIRED, while others are paying $1 million apiece to dine with him in a group setting." https://www.wired.com/story/people-paying-millions-donald-trump-mar-a-lago/ America is being sold to the highest bidder...
  9. Of course, I was just thinking specifically about her being a black woman.
  10. Never understood how any woman or person of color could ever vote for Trump. The writing on the wall has been there since jump. Even now when smacked in the face the impact of voting for this madman, many still don't want to admit they were lied to and say they regret the vote.
  11. That poll was taken on January 29th. I'd imagine as more and more Americans are directly impacted by the chaos, that will change. Rural Republicans are just now waking up to discover they are going to be hit hard by the changes being made. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-popularity-polls-changes-favorability-2032684
  12. It's also more projection. They accuse Biden of planting mines and fudging numbers. Trump and Elon are in the middle of doing that right now. Trump is straight deleting evidence of his guilt in Jan. 6th and any of the other lawsuits he can get his hands on through the DOJ. They stopped tracking bird flu numbers, just like they had stopped tracking Covid back in the day. They will hold back data, fudge it, lie about it, omit it.. all kinds of things just to make the "data" fit their narrative. He's an old-school scam artist and fraudster, using the same tired tricks and thinking nobody will catch on if he just repeats the lie enough... and it's working for much of his base.
  13. "Foreclosure and property deed records show that Colony Ridge flipped at least 40% of all the properties it sold between September 2019 and September 2022, selling approximately 8,237 properties twice, 3,267 properties three times, and 2,067 properties four or more times in three years." Damn... what rotten little racket they have going there. The developer donates to Abbott to build there, the Republicans blame Democrats for an "open border' that allows people to settle there, and the in-house financing from the developer offers immigrants no credit, no down payment, high-interest loans. And now Republicans will send in ICE, round everyone up, and send them off to private detention centers built by other Abbott donors, to rake in that nice Fed money Elon is "finding". I hate this state.
  14. Fuck Musk.... He arbitrarily is cutting off funding, yet his projects get new funding. Now he's sitting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, trotting his family out while Modi has his advisors, what an image. https://newrepublic.com/post/191521/elon-musk-meeting-india-narendra-modi And what are they talking about? Subjects of interest to Musk's businesses. And gee... what additional information could he be sharing with Modi, or using as leverage for his business interest? All the data and information he's been jacking from his DOGE escapades. The White House is a fucking clown show.
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