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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DreadHead

  1. Clearly we need to start the game with the drone show. It was a bit of sensory overload, blinky lights, smoke show, Worthy scoring, band playing. 4th quarter was lit!
  2. Texas 59 Wyoming 14 255 yards
  3. Yeah, that was all kinds of disjointed. Definitely on brand.
  4. Apologies if I posted in the wrong place. Stadium seating lower section Texas side, sections 3,4,5. The first few rows are stadium seating, with no chairback. The benches cross sections, how does the numbering work in those sections? Does the seat number start over in the middle of the bench or continue into the next section? I'm trying to make sense of that and find out what seat numbers are on the aisle. And for the life of me, can't find any DKR maps with actual seat numbers online.
  5. Big Boi and Andre 3000 have been fire since jump... loved Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik, that album is classic. Hootie Hooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc5Po252d_U Big Boi still makes good music, a lot of great collaborations recently. I don't know if the younger generation listens to him, but this old guy is excited to see him.
  6. Texas - 28 Alabama - 24 Alabama total yards - 278
  7. Garrett Riley having a stellar debut at Clemson. lol
  8. Yes, they looked bad and were short. But at least they were a lot closer to the receiver "catchable" compared to many last year. It just doesn't feel like it's enough of an improvement though. I want to see moxy and swag, confidence and leadership. And for Pete's sake, completing a higher percentage of the deep throws.
  9. Wait, he really did have F@ck Utah on his nails? I thought that was a photoshop. Kid can play, but he is way too cocky for my liking. Seems like he already thought he won the Heisman, thought they were playing for a national championship. Lincoln messed up and had the whole team looking ahead and they got clobbered.
  10. He is my favorite player, hope the injury isn't anything too serious. He's done so much, anything we've needed but it still seems like he has earned more touches imo. Yesterday, he ran like 2-3 times in a row, hard runs to get us to goalline. I wish they would have let him take it in rather than bring Bijan in to score. Not that I don't love Bijan, just felt like Roschon had earned the shot to finish and score. He will be fun to watch on Sunday for sure, any team will be blessed to have him, much respect.
  11. The absolute lack of emotion is very concerning. His demeanor reminds me of Jay Cutler, who also gave off that l could care less what happens vibe, except Jay was obviously a much better player. Card gets hyped, puts his body on the line and runs the ball when needed, shows emotion that others can feed off of. Even if Card can't throw the ball as far as Ewers, he at least seems show he cares about doing whatever is needed to win the game.
  12. I jokingly told my wife that I thought Sark's wife is picking his wardrobe. That jacket he wore on Gameday was lacking the proper burnt orange for success. But this, this 70's retro, mismatch look, just doesn't connect with me. Maybe I'm getting old, but this outfit screams "look at me" and not in a good way. Even he his play calling had been on point today and we won the game, I still think I'd hate this look.
  13. What frustrates me about Sark play calling, is that he seems to be so inconsistent with his play calling. It feels like long stretches of the same few plays, then brief flashes of something new. The new works, then back to the stuff that isn't. Seems like things are opposite. Instead of continuing to call the types of plays that work, and do that until they stop us. He seems to keep calling the same plays that don't work, in hopes that it will eventually work. If that makes sense. We have too may play makers on offense, and aren't spreading the ball around enough. That's my bad take from the couch. heh
  14. Didn't Sark say *every player* would be singing the The Eyes of Texas after every game? Ewers didn't play well, Sark didn't call a good game at all. For the life of me however, I can't understand why they didn't at least try putting Card out on field. This was a must win game for us to even sniff a Big 12 Championship, nothing should have been left off the table. If anything, give Ewers a chance to look at the game with a different perspective from the sideline. This look after the game is bad, it is starting to feel like perhaps the players are loosing trust in the coaching.
  15. Are we contractually obligated to keep Ewers in, even when he's playing bad? Cause he's not acting like the man today. Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  16. The play calling is absolutely horrible. Is there some kind of strategy in play? Why keep running Bijan up the middle, again and again, then let Ewers throw the ball to a ghost receiver? Makes no sense. Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  17. Is Ewers seeing ghost players on the field? Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  18. Has there been any more information on Maalik Murphy, other than "not healthy"? What happened to that dude....
  19. I get tired of seeing basically every other college team have a stable of backup quarterbacks that appear to be able to step up and game. Whether Ewers dad won't let him play, or Hudson Card won't run, it would be nice to be able to have options to run out, shake things up and possibly seize the opportunity become the man.
  20. I can handle the loss... But I hate how it fucks up the rest of my College Football watching experience because every other game inevitebly fills downtime with updates that Texas lost, halftime highlights show Texas lost, all forcing me to relive the experience for the rest of the day/week. Until we do it again next weekend. It's like a nightmare.
  21. DreadHead


    Is that true, speculation or a joke? Obviously the defense played entirely different that day, however that happened, needs to happen each game moving forward.
  22. DreadHead

    30 and 16

    It was run up the middle. What, that isn't working... Let's keep doing it until it does. OT, we all knew where the play was going. *sigh* Every other game I watched today had more creative plays than I saw from Texas. Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk
  23. So this means he gets to keep Clesi as his assistant right?
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