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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DreadHead

  1. Apologies if I missed it, but I don't know the answer. For the Texas students, if it is first come first serve to the seats... how do they know the capacity for those sections and when they are full? Is the gate keeping actually done at the gate or are they letting in more students that can fit into the allotted sections? Can someone explain to me how it works or point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  2. I would hope the university says something quickly about this, or clarifies what was going on. LSU owns the narrative now and they are all over social media whipping up outrage that Texas is the bad guy. I hope it isn't true, it certainly makes us look bad. And any win we had I would have hoped it was because of the play on the field and that's it. It doesn't make sense to give any team a reason to complain about something like air conditioning, especially in this heat.
  3. Yeah, pointed that out during the game. Comical.
  4. Without repercussions, people take advantage of it. You interrupt the flow of the game, rest your players and get a chance to game-plan. Again, I don't want to use that as the reason we loss. But I hope everyone who watched that game could clearly see how it was an advantage for LSU when so many players were cramping up, and only on the defensive side of the ball. There were plenty of times that Joe was rolling down the field where a Texas cramp or series of cramps could of helped us regroup. But Texas players don't play that game and shouldn't. Hopefully some of the sports talking heads also took note and we can have some honest conversations about this practice across the league. It needs to be kept in the news cycle.
  5. I'm bummed we lost, but even less so this morning. Honestly, I feel really bad for the players because they put it all out there with class. Our secondary is young and definitely needs to improve, but this game will help going into Big12 play. I still like the trajectory of this team, the offense continues to improve, defense is growing, recruiting is good and I'm still behind the coaches. Yesterday was incredible for the Longhorn brand and fans, it was about as good of a day you could have considering we lost.
  6. Yeah, that was crazy. I asked about it earlier, how much time did they get out of that? Free timeouts to rest, reset and prepare their defense. And we still put 38 points on them.
  7. Anyone count how many times LSU players went down with cramps and how much time they received to recover? I'm just curious from a data point of view, not excuse.
  8. That is pretty cool, had no idea you all did that.
  9. Georgia Southern is no Louisiana Tech and LA Tech almost beat them at home last year. I'm glad they are overconfident their offense is unstoppable after that game yesterday. Texas needs to continue to let the sec machine hype themselves up then take LSU to the woodshed next week.
  10. Spotted Bevo on my lunch today, 35 was stopped as usual so I took a photo. Goosebumps... can't wait until tomorrow! Hook Em!
  11. Got me as well, wasn't expecting that. damn...
  12. Terrible news to hear... told my son and he said, exactly why I'll never get on a motorcycle. No matter how safe you are, you lose when you crash. RIP
  13. Yeah, you are asking for trouble even with a license if you pull it out like that. I've got an LTC as well and I'll be damned if my pistol is removed from my holder unless I'm storing it or about to use it. Not to mention pulling a gun out in public then interacting with cops is a huge roll of the dice as to whether you get shot or not, add a multiplier if you are a person of color. Josh is lucky he wasn't shot during his apprehension. Such a stupid thing to do.
  14. Yeah, I thought he came back, apologized to the team and was seen practicing again.
  15. I just got back from a work trip hitting NYC, Boston, and Providence. Everyone I spoke with either loved Austin, planned to visit or wanted to move here. Now I did hear some smack talk about Houston and Dallas, more of those parts of Texas are too conservative. But ATX got nothing but props. These were young 20-30 something, public relations, and marketing folks.
  16. Holy hell that BBQ looks gross. I seem to remember the aggy doing some kind of SXSW presentation on cooking BBQ awhile ago. Here it is: https://bbq.tamu.edu/2018/04/03/community-culture-science-barbecue-sxsw/ Texas needs to take back the airport, SXSW and BBQ away from this crazy invasion...
  17. Anyone know what he may have paid out of pocket for that coverage? I wonder if schools ever pay the premium to cover athletes in this situation?
  18. I watched that interview, he was very awkward. I'm not sure why he was being paraded around when he had to be so aloof with his answers on whether he was going Football or Baseball. I think he is angling to try and do both and is setting up a big marketing play. I think Deon Sanders said yesterday he was meeting with Kyler to talk about some things, I'd imagine it was to probe his knowledge from doing it. I don't know how well he will do if he decides to go NFL, but the dude is fast as hell and throws an incredibly pretty ball. I mean Fuck OU, but damn he has a nice touch when throwing.
  19. I remember seeing his hair in a replay, but he was nowhere near the ball carrier. Although his play was questionable, I love his character, he was funny.... and I think he was part of what made this team special. I don't hate the dude, I wish him well and glad he was on the 40 acres.
  20. I want to beat OU twice and get Big 12 championship... that is all I'm hoping for, anything better is a bonus. Expecting to be in the playoffs is crazy talk.
  21. Ball was for sure bouncing our way, need to capitalize on those opportunities more. Scared and optimistic..
  22. All kinds of holding up in there... they can't let SEC lose.
  23. Josh Jacobs right, after this touchdown he was sitting on the sidelines.. you could see his lips mouthing how he wrecked that dude #20. Then someone tried to hand him the oxygen mask and he looked at them like "Bitch please" and looked away. Dude is fierce...
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