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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Helm has come on nicely as the season gone on.
  2. Bowman gonna be feeling that one.
  3. Jesus, Banks just fucking destroyed that guy.
  4. Holy shit that was a beautiful interception, laid out for that one.
  5. Gotta get some pressure on Bowman, it's clear Gundy doesn't think he'll be able to run on this defense.
  6. Good thing Blue bounced back up, Okie hurt his own teammate.
  7. Muhammad has been getting better and better, he kind of reminds me of Aaron Williams a bit.
  8. Gordon get hit in the nuts or something?
  9. Quick 3 and out, immediate short field off the penalty, well executed plays and a score, nice start.
  10. This game is gonna be wild lol
  11. Fuck you Florida. We're all dumbasses for putting our hopes in that braindead team.
  12. I don't like the slide when it's clear that defenders are in the vicinity about to lay a hit. It's an easy way for the QB to get hurt and bait a PF call.
  13. Well, this game is over, Florida is just too stupid.
  14. That was a Big 12 PI call there
  15. Gator QB trying to get Ettiene killed.
  16. 439 lbs, good Lord
  17. Milroe is regarded
  18. Bowman sucks. Why is Gundy throwing so much when they have Gordon?
  19. OSU getting bitched at home with everything on the line, I can't think of a more Gundyesque thing. Oh, and look at that kickoff return lol
  20. Borderline erotic
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