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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Ok Card, now's the time to nut up. Maybe throw a trick play with Roschon throwing the ball.
  2. Jamison you gotta hold onto that.
  3. All they do is a lot of grabbing and holding.
  4. Wow, facemasked before he even caught the ball.
  5. Whitt coming up big. Ewers got some pepper on that ball.
  6. 41 just pussyfooted around instead of attacking downhill.
  7. All Bama DBs do is grab and hold.
  8. They've lined up offsides quite a bit on this drive.
  9. All the Bouttes I know can't be assed to put the accent over the 'e' but still say Boo-tay. Boutte should be an easy one lol, I can see mispronouncing Gobert (Go-burt instead of Go-bear) or my surname 'Simon' if a person isn't from SE Texas or southern Louisiana.
  10. Boutte is pronounced "boo-tay", not booty.
  11. How much does Coburn weigh these days? Maybe all of that extra weight hampering him, kinda late to work on that now though.
  12. 2 timeouts, you have 2 timeouts and the possession arrow. What was that?
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