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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Embarrassing for a senior (Foster) to be benched in the final game of the season due to lack of effort.
  2. Roschon basically willed this team to a win. Need more Port Arthur and Orange bred kids from the 409.
  3. This ain't The Purple Wizard KState I'll tell ya that. They're just as dumb as we are.
  4. According to legend, after a short time Sun Tzu was able to get a bunch of concubines to do precision drills in a demonstration to the emperor. The defensive coaches can't get these players to not play like soft pussies after an entire spring, summer and season.
  5. Xavier Worthy, he's not scared. Neither are Bijan and Roschon, even Casey stepped up last night. The rest of this squad...
  6. Well, I won't be around to watch those debacles. I'll find something, anything else to do for the next two Saturdays.
  7. I can't decide if the early 2000s Black Saturdays or last night was worse or more embarrassing. At least with the Black Saturdays we still had good teams that somehow managed to turtle up for one game in the 2nd weekend in October. THIS game last night though? Those Chris Simms, Ced, Roy teams would name their score against this sad sack that have in there now, just gutless.
  8. Look at those salaries, with that product that is out on the field. I should have gone into coaching, shit.
  9. Somebody should have put a hard foul on him early in the game when he kept flexing and posing after every basket. Nothing dirty to hurt him, but a hard foul to send a message.
  10. I think it's just us, our best in state players go to Alabama and Ohio St.
  11. Worthy is out there hobbling and trying to play, the rest of the team doesn't give a fuck.
  12. Well, lets see if the defense will come out like a prolapsed pussy.
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