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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Even when he has time to diagnose it and the guy is right in front of him Brock is still slow.
  2. Holy shit what was that? LOL That kick was terrible
  3. Dude had a lane that just parted like the Red Sea
  4. Girlfriend called and asked if I wanted to go see the new Halloween movie at 1PM. I think I'll catch the movie 🤷🏾‍♂️
  5. Yeah I don't understand keeping him around to close out the season when you know he's outta there.
  6. Hold on the OSU lineman on that 2nd down play.
  7. We never get to the QB when they bobble the snap.
  8. Play should have been stopped for forward progress
  9. Our OL, soft, Charmin soft. And our TEs aren't enthusiastic about blocking either.
  10. The 10+ year walk in the wilderness has been bad, but I don't think I've ever seen a team that is this soft in the trenches on OL. One fucking yard in the 4th quarter, that's beyond pathetic. The LBs and Safeties love running into blockers and the secondary gives a softer cushion than a sleep number bed. Fuck it, just play the young blood and throw them into the fire, they can't be any softer than these seniors and upperclassmen.
  11. Aside from Bijan, Xavier, and Roschon we have no dogs on this team. We don't have anybody that can block worth a shit. Our LBs are slow, our CBs give 10 yard cushions and give QBs easy reads, and our Safeties are so far back they're in the locker room.
  12. No way Archie Manning hitches his wagon to this.
  13. Soft, soft and dumb. Safeties 50 fucking yards downfield.
  14. Can the OL have their testicles drop for these next drive and not whiff on their blocks?
  15. The Safeties are so deep you can't even see them on the screen half the time.
  16. Casey is not right, and the OL is playing unbelievably bad. This is the second week in a row where the OL just imploded.
  17. Defense gassed, offense can't get a 1st down.
  18. If all of us can see it, why can't the coaches? Brock is too slow, and Schooler is soft.
  19. Sark better hit the portal, grad transfer, whatever he can in the offseason to fill these holes.
  20. Schooler should not be in the fucking game, he's soft and can't get off blocks.
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