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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. I thought he was gonna be thrown out of bounds, crazy.
  2. Worthy is a fucking dog. I know he made a critical mistake but damn that kid is a baller.
  3. We're not going to get any calls, we can all just get that out of our heads right now.
  4. What is this playcalling down here? I hope they don't think they can play for a FG
  5. Well, at least they left time on the clock...
  6. Unbelievable We constantly find ways to be unclutch and unlucky in these games.
  7. Is it too much to wish for a 7 minute scoring drive or is our OL too pussy for that?
  8. They FINALLY, FINALLY call fucking holding. I guess this one was just too fucking blatant.
  9. Did Whitt hurt his knee? I thought it was his shoulder unless he was grabbing for his leg.
  10. OL is playing like some gaping pussies.
  11. Shug you're doing too much there buddy, get the ball touch back.
  12. ANOTHER HOLDING YOU CUNTS! Fuck these refs!
  13. Looked like a fumble. Fuck these refs.
  14. We'll be fine if the defense can learn how to wrap up.
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