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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Need a 7 minute TD drive. Misdirection with Whitt and feed Bijan.
  2. Are the OU players lathered in Crisco? Wrap up.
  3. Bad clock management here, didn't get a chance to attack the endzone
  4. We have the emotional edge so far, hitting them right in the mouth. Refs gifted OU that 1st down on their first drive, other than that it's been all us.
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot I just signed up last week
  6. Spectrum is out in my area, sonofabitch. Today of all days. I'll see if I can stream it from my phone.
  7. Forget 1964 Civil Rights Bill, these people absolutely want to go back to pre Brown v Board of Education. Any type of acknowledgement of diversity, inclusion, examination of history and the intergenerational impact, etc is seen as a threat to people like that. They want non-white people to be invisible and their kids to in an insulated bubble without learning the true history and keep the American mythology version going. There were a lot of young white people in those nationwide BLM protests last year, marching for equal justice, people like this GOP operative don't want that. That was the real reason for the CRT hysteria this summer.
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