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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Big ups to Jordan Shipley, seems like he was the point man on the recruiting pitch on Thompson's visit. Speed, more speed on the field, I like it.

    OU @ KSU Fox

    I get flashbacks every time KSU has a wee little RB.
  3. Didn't think I'd say this but Xavier needs to settle down.
  4. I long for the days of a Sergio, Orakpo coming off the edge.
  5. Wow, this racist SOB should be negged and banned
  6. The wheels didn't fall off for Wisconsin in this ND game, they just exploded. Two pick sixes in the last two minutes.
  7. When was the last time we had a great start like this against a Big 12 opponent? Most of these conference games over the past...eight years have been one or two score slap fights.
  8. Called that INT as soon as it left the Tech QB's hand. Just a perfect setup for a pick 6.
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