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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. And that's why you gotta stop the ball. Wow, what a game.
  2. Yeah their perimeter defense is just too good. They'll be more physical than Gonzaga too.
  3. I thought Houston had a chance, silly me. Their guards are overmatched and they have no interior size. Baylor is clamping everything on the perimeter, gonna get ugly in the 2nd half. I know, they're losing because of those short shorts.
  4. The only way those optics could look worse is if they had a black butler bring him a pen in that photo. The GOP is determined to bring us back to the pre-Civil Rights era. Sometimes it feels like any kind of progress that we make is temporary, fleeting, and these regressives will attempt to undo the progress as soon as we take our eye off the ball. I swear it's a 24/7 battle against white supremacy.
  5. She tried hard to bait that guy into a reaction, glad he ignored her ass. Those kids are going to have all kinds of identity issues. You just know she calls her kid's dad the n-word when he pisses her off, probably the kids too.
  6. The War on Drugs started under Nixon, you must be thinking of the Crime Bill. And that particular bill was mostly at the behest of local black community leaders telling lawmakers to do something. In hindsight I believe most people would be open to a less punitive approach to the users and treat it as a public health issue. By the time people realized the discrepancy between the sentencing of crack users vs cocaine, how families were separated and the ballooning of the prison industrial system it was too late. The War on Drugs has been an abject failure we imprison the most people of any developed nation and spent over a trillion dollars over the last four decades.
  7. Bevo has taken smaller shits than that pile of shit that you just posted.
  8. Oh absolutely. America has operated on the social control over black bodies in some fashion for centuries. The ultimate form of social control, slavery was gone, Jim Crow was shot down, they needed some other mechanism to control black bodies. The prison population exploded over the last 40+ years.
  9. The War on Drugs is one of the biggest policy failures that this country has ever had, and it has had a lot of them. It disproportionately targets black and brown people, black people especially. When the crack epidemic hit black neighborhoods it was "lock em up", when the opioid crisis hit white communities it's suddenly a public health problem.
  10. Approximately 7.1 percent of Texans are fully vaccinated. I repeat just 7.1 percent, yet this asshole wants everything to open up and remove the mask mandate. Fuck Abbott, dumbass motherfucker.
  11. May he rest in the same energy he generated for black and brown people, the poor and everyone else he deemed as an “Other.” And may he rest in it forever.
  12. That guy is a troglodyte whose lineage learned to walk upright just three generations ago. What a fucking moron.
  13. This democracy likely won't survive another Republican presidency, the party has gone over the deep end and is now an extremist party. Thank God Trump was a bumbling idiot that telegraphed his every move, but he STILL did a tremendous amount of damage. What if someone even more craven, yet smarter and more disciplined gets in there? They are even more emboldened now that we know that a President can't be impeached for inciting an insurrection. The fact that it wasn't a unanimous conviction following the events of 01/06/21 where members of Congress were fleeing for their lives (because make no mistake, there would have been lynchings on live TV) is a disgrace.
  14. Question for anyone that had COVID in the past and afterwards taken the vaccine. Have have you reacted to it (in a good way) if you've been dealing with post COVID symptoms? I recovered from COVID back in August, since then I've been dealing with constant fatigue no matter how much sleep or rest I took. I also had a bit of difficulty concentrating at times, probably because I was always tired. It started to affect my work. I took the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last Tuesday and I've noticed that I'm not as tired and worn down as I was before. I wonder if there is a connection and if other people dealt with post COVID symptoms that took the vaccine and noticed changes.
  15. Wow, you don't see the Hobbit drop a pass like that often.
  16. Somebody please give Tom Hanks a coat out there. You could just look at him and tell he's cold af.
  17. Mais la! That's a hard 56, the couyon is strong in that first dude.
  18. Nobody was going to be able to keep up with Hill on that route. Dude can turn on a dime like a squirrel.
  19. Chiefs RB missed a huge cutback lane on that 1st down run
  20. Chad Henne was probably drinking Henny before he got in the game. What was that?
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