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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Bama slowly sliding the tip in right now. OSU needed to answer there but there's a ton of time left for Bama to score again.
  2. Wow, as soon as I saw him take off I said "Are they trying to get their backup QB killed?" And sure enough, he got popped in the head/neck area.
  3. Yeah he was already standing up. Ballgame.
  4. I thought there was a curfew. Why are all these MAGA people still in the streets?
  5. I just got back to my office after an hour long meeting and came back to this. I guess Olympus Has Fallen isn't too farfetched after all. In this case however the State Capitol is overrun by an army of Chads. Am I gonna have to call DC police myself?
  6. Might as well put Greg Ward at QB, he would have been able to move the ball better than Sundfeld.
  7. Herman treated Bijan like the expensive sports car that you only take out to Cars and Coffee on the weekends. How he didn't average 12-15 touches a game boggles the mind, but then...MENSA.
  8. As long as he doesn't lock Bijan in a cellar for four consecutive drives I'd be happy.
  9. New Year's Day was a good day. We hung out all day and she ate all kinds of treats, blueberries and apple slices, she even played in what capacity that she could. Yesterday morning we had to have my girl euthanized. It hurts like hell and the tears have come and gone all week but at least she's no longer in pain anymore. She was my first Cane Corso, I've met some wonderful people as I got into the breed and learned more about them. The thing about Corsos that other owners can attest to, is the level of bond that they have with their owners and their chosen person. For 8 years Lianna was like my shadow, if I was around she wanted to be right next to me. She was a workout buddy, a goofy dog that was always in the mood to play yet a serious protector when needed. In the end she couldn't move her hind legs but yesterday she tugged at my leg with all of her strength. I thought maybe she was hungry or thirsty, she just wanted to be close so she could lay her head on my lap and take a nap. Rest well, Forte Bello's Lianna.
  10. Why is the down and distance graphic yellow? It makes me think there's always a flag on the play
  11. Sam still doesn't know how to throw the ball away?
  12. Give Bijan the ball you fucking pillock. Fuck you Herman.
  13. Should be canned at halftime for that shit.
  14. First thought, holy shit Bijan is fucking fast. Next thought, fuck you Tom Herman.
  15. Last night was good, it was a bit rough when she woke up early this morning. She still can't move her hind legs, but now I can actually feel tension when I touch her achilles and her tail is not as limp. Yesterday when I touched her achilles and tail they were so soft with no resistance. She likes to rest her head on my leg and wants to play but I can tell that she's in pain. I joined a neuro dog group and someone suggested that it may have been an FCE (spinal stroke?) since it came on so suddenly, the symptoms do match up. I'll be sure to bring that up with the vet tomorrow and see what our options are.
  16. I did read that pneumonia in canines can cause lameness and even blindness in some cases, it's just so weird. Then the situation with her feet, her toes are swollen pretty bad from her nail injuries. I took off from work all week, I'm going to take off and call in on Monday, the vet is supposed to call me on Monday too.
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