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Posts posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Last night was good, it was a bit rough when she woke up early this morning. She still can't move her hind legs, but now I can actually feel tension when I touch her achilles and her tail is not as limp. Yesterday when I touched her achilles and tail they were so soft with no resistance. She likes to rest her head on my leg and wants to play but I can tell that she's in pain. I joined a neuro dog group and someone suggested that it may have been an FCE (spinal stroke?) since it came on so suddenly, the symptoms do match up. I'll be sure to bring that up with the vet tomorrow and see what our options are. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, NateHitch said:

    So sorry for what you're going through, sending warm thoughts to you and your girl. Such a hard thing to understand, going from pneumonia to what seems like maybe nerve damage? Hang in there man. You gave her a good life, be with her until the end.

    I did read that pneumonia in canines can cause lameness and even blindness in some cases, it's just so weird. Then the situation with her feet, her toes are swollen pretty bad from her nail injuries. I took off from work all week, I'm going to take off and call in on Monday, the vet is supposed to call me on Monday too. 

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  3. I may have to put my girl down. Everything was cool on Tuesday, she was running around playing, we had a training session. The following morning I went to check on her and she was very lethargic and was having trouble breathing. My buddy helped me rush her to the vet and she was diagnosed with pneumonia. It looks like the pneumonia part is in the clear, however a new major issue is her hind leg lameness, she can't walk or stand on her own. The vet tech called me yesterday and said that she tore all of her nails on her back feet while trying to stand, blood was everywhere.

    She doesn't even move her legs and when I flick her tail it's limp. The vet is concerned about possible nerve damage (but how though?). I did see her move her foot ever so slightly when I put a blanket over her after I brought her home, I bought an orthopedic bed for her so she can just be comfortable. She's alert, eating and drinking fine, and even tries to play but the pain meds and antibiotics make her a bit drowsy. Her feet and toes are really swollen from injury to her nails from trying to stand, even if she could stand she probably wouldn't be able to due to the swelling.

    It's just crazy that she was running and jumping like nothing was wrong on Tuesday and them bam, this happens. She has had hip displaysia since she was young, she's a month shy of turning 8. Even with the hip problems she was a very athletic dog. I'm wracking my brain as to trying to figure out what happened, because even if a dog is in pain from hip or knee problems they can still move their back legs.

    It's just a question of quality of life at this point, she is an older large breed dog and I hate for her to struggle and suffer. She's home and comfortable, no longer in that small ICU kennel. I'll continue to monitor her and look for signs of improvement, if not then I'll have to make that call with the vet, something I haven't prepared myself for.

    An older pic and the most recent: 



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  4. 1 hour ago, Winona's Big Orange Bevo said:

    YES!!  Just geeked out with my 6th grade class. My nerd was on par with all the others trying to guess who it was!!


    I convinced myself that it was Mace Windu, because of his connection to Yoda. 

    When Luke was going through those Dark Troopers I still thought it was Mace, like maybe he just had to use a green light saber instead of his purple one because it was lost. Even when I saw the glove I remembered that Anakin cut Mace's hand off. I never thought they would show Luke post ROTJ in his prime mowing through those Dark Troopers, I lost my shit. This is what the fans have wanted to see for decades. I don't know how they managed to keep that under wraps. 

    They need to hand the keys to Faloni and Favreau for the movies too. There's a respect for the source material there that comes through in their work. 


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  5. 18 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Lulz. Actual lulz at some of the cities/towns being listed here. It’s obvious many of y’all have never been to Port Arthur. The entire downtown is abandoned and crumbling buildings. I know a Motiva bought a couple to fix up, but not sure if that was shelved. But the Sabine and the rest of downtown is a dump. You can either buy a house next to a refinery, next to the “mall” or if you are real fucking fancy, you buy in Nederland. Fucking Nederland.

    Also, Tacoma. 183,000 miles and the most I have spent on non maintenance type repairs was $40.

    You don’t put Mayo on any food. You can put your own Mayo on tits though. At least that is what I like to do.

    Is Herman fired yet? I would love to be a fly on the wall in his office this week.

    I'm from Port Arthur, still live here as a matter of fact. It is depressing, Jefferson County as a whole is kinda depressing. The city is obsessed with building further out to mid-county and the downtown has been neglected for decades. Rita did a number on us and Harvey came and finished the job, a lot of people haven't returned. A lot of people my age moved to Houston because there's simply more to do out there. 


    We do have good football and basketball teams though. Kids that come out of the triangle are usually dogs on the court or field. 

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  6. At 54 Tyson is still one of the most dangerous men on the planet.

    Snoop should do the commentating for all major fights. Him singing Precious Lord when Nate got knocked down the 2nd time was hilarious.

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