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Everything posted by FOXHOUND

  1. Our DBs just seem run into blocks like magnets when it's time to make a one on one tackle.
  2. Three straight passes Gundy? Really? Lol
  3. Republicans are big mad that they didn't suppress enough votes, like legit shocked that voter turnout was enough to curb their suppression efforts. Black voters in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, Philly were the death knell for Trump in those states, the GOP would roll back to Jim Crow era poll taxes if they could to curb the votes in those cities.
  4. He's the same age as I am. I guess all of that hate ages a person like a Sith Lord.
  5. I'm a black man in America, I am not surprised by the rise of Trump and Trumpism. This cake has been baking for decades since the removal of the Fairness Doctrine and right wing talk radio and Fox News commenced to brainwashing a huge segment of America. If you want to go back further then you could say that it started after the passage of the Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, there's a segment of the population that has not gotten over it. Trump spoke to them and validated their feelings. He's the biggest conman in the history of this country this side of Bernie Madoff, but they don't care because he validates how they feel.
  6. The turtle and the other Republicans are waging a propaganda campaign against the Biden/Harris win by trying to provide a pretext to obstruct for the next four years. And they're also setting the stage to re-up and go harder on voter suppression efforts.
  7. Once this orange shit brick is out, is it damnatio memoriae time? No Presidential library, no public appearances, nothing honoring this abject failure of an administration.
  8. Out of all of the videos of the celebrations over the last 24 hours this one hit a little differently, I could feel the joy in that man's spirit. Indigenous Americans showed up and showed out in the southwest.
  9. What is up with these play calls?
  10. Etienne putting in work on this drive.
  11. I'm worried about what that asshole might do in the next two months. A part of me wishes that he would just resign in shame and walk out of the WH right now.
  12. Well we can't magically spawn more voters, white people are still the numerical majority in this country. And fuck outta here saying that's "loser mentality" talk, it's facts. Where the hell do you think more black votes will come from when we are 13 percent of the total population? The aether. White people need to gather their own, all of the abject failures of this administration and support for Trump is just as robust as it was in 2016. But lets go off about black and brown folks.
  13. Putting the onus on minority groups to save this country from itself and also have to fight disenfranchisement and voter suppression tactics is not right. White voters, once again broke for Trump. White women even went up on their support.
  14. I'd say that we are going back to what we were. Poll violence is nothing new, that's what this MAGA cult wants, to go back to the 50s and 60s to intimidate people at the polls.
  15. We've been in a cold Civil War for 40 something years now. This cake has been baking since the passage of the Civil Rights act. And there is currently a President in office that carries the banner of white nationalism, he is their champion like Prince Oberyn. Hopefully the mass of people that reject the slow fascist takeover will win the day Tuesday night. I'm literally afraid for this country if we have another 2000 situation.
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