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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. Four courts doesn't take much room, there will never be many fans. TCU's 4 are between the rec center on one side, dorms on the the other.
  2. Didn't realize their badass new locker room is in DKR, so they better be relatively close.
  3. Well, this is the closest game of the 4, but not exactly thrilling.
  4. Nice footwork, bro. That should do it.
  5. Not a lot of action after that opening sequence.
  6. That dude is pretty terrible at returning kicks.
  7. I saw Outlast mentioned on the Netflix thread awhile back, but never bothered with it. What's the short version of their format?
  8. Philly -5.5, 45.5 This one should be pretty good.
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