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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. They better call the chick lawyer from Landman.
  2. They read our thread. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/42917983/nfl-consider-replay-assist-facemask-penalties-other-plays
  3. Shitty part of the vid is there’s absolutely zero footage of anything before WS G1.
  4. I didn't call him any names. Little Josh would still be our first backup at 3B.
  5. Burger is really bad defensively at 3B, Josh needs to bow up & play 140.
  6. Keep the receipt on your Horwitz Cle shirsey.
  7. “You smell like the beach.” ”You smell like a goat.”
  8. Yeah, that shit was bad-fucking-ass. Buy it.
  9. And Sizemore went back to them to be ‘offensive coordinator’.
  10. Had two 'Win & in' scenarios this weekend, split those (fucking Puka). @Bill Brasky tried to screw me by starting Pickens, but he held on by 7 to let me sneak into our old Rangers league.
  11. Nailed that one. That was pretty stupid by Ja'Marr too.
  12. Ha, that Cowboy fucked shit all up. He's cut tomorrow.
  13. ^ Guess you didn't read much further down. That was reported by many.
  14. Goddamn, the obvious face masks missed this season.
  15. They're trying real fucking hard again.
  16. That potential TD to Ja’Marr hit the top of his helmet.
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