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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. Fucking Heim just gets killed back there.
  2. Fucking great, that’s 3 dead Ps today.
  3. Saturday night on HBO/Max for anyone that hasn’t seen it.
  4. That is some goddamn fucking horseshit.
  5. Genie is playing in a tiny ITF gray clay tourney in Fla, smoked a no-name today. Also playing doubles with Fanny Stollar, that’s an attractive pair.
  6. Jank things. Hey, Zeke contributed.
  7. Nothing hit to LF in the early game, fucking please.
  8. If one of them explains the infield fly, we know one troll that could use it.
  9. Yeah, it was bullshit, but who fucking gives a shit about her?
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