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Certifiably Surly
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dcbc last won the day on June 21 2023

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15156 Surly 1%

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  1. What's "grazing fire"?
  2. Wolverines!
  3. Younger kid's 16th bday weekend steaks.
  4. How does a band with four guitar players even get remembered fondly. But yeah, total freak show of a band. No other explanation.
  5. Is that Janet Lee on that Robert Burns jug?
  6. Honestly, despite the thread title, her post was confusing to the uninitiated, and I took it as a broader Mexico rec. But yeah, corrected, and I get it.
  7. Depends on the year. Latter on my 52 AV, former on my 64 AV and early '90 N_9. Rubber band under the knobs on some of them because Fender.
  8. Congrats! Just got word that my niece got into engineering as well. We are thrilled for her. She's waiting on some reaches in March, but her mom just put down the deposit on SRD and paid for the parking space (family full of Longhorns).
  9. Long shot, but my former, late, step dad used to own this place and it looks like they're still renting it out. It's a 15th Century Hacienda in the Yucatan Jungle (about an hour and some change from Merida). It's amazing with plenty to explore if you don't mind driving. I don't know if it's still being rented out, but if you google Hacienda Xixim, you'll find some sites. Just something off the beaten path.
  10. "Ethel Thayer. Thoundth like I'm lythping, dothn't it." Dabny Coleman: "I think I saw a bear."
  11. I got taken along to quite a few more serious movies with my parents as a kid, and I ended up enjoying several of them. Another that stands out is the movie, Four Seasons. It wasn't always a good match though. My parents were very close friends with the parents of the guy my sister dated in high school and college. They'd go on vacations together (see, e.g., Four Seasons) and go out to dinner together pretty regularly. On my eighth birthday, our two families went out to dinner (not the place I would have chosen) and then to a movie. That movie was Mommie Dearest. I'm eight years old. It's my birthday. And they took me to see Mommie Fucking Dearest. I remember feeling ill. Maybe it was the Hungarian food we ate earlier. Anyway, one year, AMC played Mommie Dearest on a loop for 24 hours on Mother's Day. Now I find it funny in the worst sort of way because Faye Dunnaway is so over the top. I also watched a bunch of not-age-appropriate stuff as a result of our getting cable in the late 70s. Back then, TMC (the only movie channel we had) would play the movie of the month several times each day. So at age 7, I'd seen the Shining 30 times. The list goes on. About twenty years ago, a friend and I wrote a parody of Life's Little Instruction book if all of your life lessons were learned watching cable in the 80s. Somehow, I'd saved all the cable guides from back in the day and used them in a collage as the artwork for the rear dust jacket of the book.
  12. Yeah, I had a couple of albums in the 90s. But your description of the music is spot on. 2001 was the first summer of the Phish hiatus and we were looking for something sort of related. That wasn't it. We saw TAB later that summer and it really scratched the itch (with horns).
  13. Question. Is there water in the pool. If no, I'm team bear.
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