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Certifiably Surly
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dcbc last won the day on June 21 2023

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14795 Surly 1%

About dcbc

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  1. I hope you had a hell of a piss, Arnold!
  2. . . . and the camera is sideways again.
  3. Would someone please do something entertaining? Please and thanks.
  4. You didn't mention there was going to be a bounce house!
  5. From my office because I should have bought tickets on Tuesday when they were much cheaper. FIGHT!!!
  6. Thanks. I added a video so you can have a listen. As much crap as you hear about Norlin era Gibsons, I'm inclined to think that there were plenty of good 335/345s in the early 70s and plenty more throughout the decade. And from all I've read, the ES guitars Gibson has built over the last 20 years have been fantastic.
  7. Yes, but I'm happy to show it off again. I got it at Guitar Resurrection in the summer of 1996. I was 23. I was told that it had been under a bed for a couple of decades (possible soldier not returning from war, but who knows). Anyway, it was flawless. I later put a nick in the headstock finish by lifting it overhead to get it off my shoulder while not being mindful of the ceiling fan. So now it has a little more character. It's the most even-playing guitar I've ever owned. Serial # puts it in 1970. But it's got some throwback to 1969 such as no dot over the "I" in the Gibson logo and something else I can't recall at the moment. Anyway, other than being hard on my right arm where it rests while playing, it's an absolutely fantastic instrument. And I get used to the narrow fretboard within a few minutes of staring to play it. Far too much ham-fisted noodling on this video, but here's the guitar, clean, into a 1973 Deluxe Reverb (David Allen Blackfaced Circuit) with a 1968 Jensen C12N. Just tone for days.
  8. Sweet! I've got a 1970 Walnut twin of the 335 variety! Excellent guitar!
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