Yes, but I'm happy to show it off again. I got it at Guitar Resurrection in the summer of 1996. I was 23. I was told that it had been under a bed for a couple of decades (possible soldier not returning from war, but who knows). Anyway, it was flawless. I later put a nick in the headstock finish by lifting it overhead to get it off my shoulder while not being mindful of the ceiling fan. So now it has a little more character. It's the most even-playing guitar I've ever owned.
Serial # puts it in 1970. But it's got some throwback to 1969 such as no dot over the "I" in the Gibson logo and something else I can't recall at the moment. Anyway, other than being hard on my right arm where it rests while playing, it's an absolutely fantastic instrument. And I get used to the narrow fretboard within a few minutes of staring to play it.
Far too much ham-fisted noodling on this video, but here's the guitar, clean, into a 1973 Deluxe Reverb (David Allen Blackfaced Circuit) with a 1968 Jensen C12N. Just tone for days.