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Certifiably Surly
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dcbc last won the day on June 21 2023

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15437 Surly 1%

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  1. Yeah, well they're a bunch of fooking muppets, ain't they!?!
  2. Minus five. Keep your units consistent.
  3. This. Plus, if you serve it on a plate, it sucks the heat right out of it. The tray with butcher paper isn't just aesthetics.
  4. Need some time to save up. What does that burger run? $23.50?
  5. I ate there at some point after JL left, and it still was excellent. Shitty business practices aside, the food has been consistently great.
  6. I think he was running the meat grinder.
  7. Well, first it was JM, then John Lewis. After that, I lose track. I don't know if hired is the right word, but I don't think she ever was working the pits.
  8. Recipe? I've been playing around with thin, vinegar sauces for pork ribs and had some good results over the weekend. But I'd like to see what this one looks like. Edit: Nevermind. Saw you posted an approximation. Thanks.
  9. I was similarly underwhelmed when I made my first trip there this past November. Beef Rib was delicious (LaBBQ was better by a lot), but the brisket was awful with no bark. Sausage was meh. I posted about it. Your slice of brisket looks better than mine did.
  10. I did a lot of BBQ this weekend and wanted to try to create something as good as the Brussel Sprouts from Stiles Switch. This is an Asian sweet/spicy attempt. Not quite the same but really good.
  11. It's Certified Black Angus (High Choice) from WalMart of all places. I thought I got a picture of it trimmed, but I must not have. The marbling in the point was beautiful. About 13.5 lbs before trimming.
  12. Yeah, it was really good. It's the first time I've finished one on the pit (wrapped and put the last two in the oven). I got it on at 9:15 yesterday morning. So it didn't get too late on me. I really feel like I got dialed in on how to run a fire in this thing during this cook.
  13. It needs a lot of TLC.
  14. And the cooker picture
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