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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by dcbc

  1. 45 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    Put the 30' off the ground, but I'm on the SW side of town or exact opposite with a mountain in the way.  But this is what I signed up for, as far as Durango goes, the technology part is the by far the worst, but other things make up for it.  Thanks for the help.

    I'd try a cheap set top antenna just to see.  It might be fine.

  2. 5 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    Well if I was in town, which I'm not, I would only be able to potentially get CBS and PBS :(

    StationsAntennaFCC Repack

    KRTN-DT 47.1 IND 
    RF Channel: 33 
    1 miles at 203°MeTV_All.png Yellow

    K16GZ-D 16.1 IND 
    RF Channel: 16 
    1 miles at 184°IND_All.png Yellow

    KREZ-DT 6.1 CBS 
    RF Channel: 15 
    1 miles at 219°CBS_Light.png Green

    KRMU-DT 20.1 PBS 
    RF Channel: 20 
    1 miles at 219°PBS_Light.png Red

    Did you pop in the "more than 30' off the ground" on there just for grins?)

    From the map, it looks like the antenna farm is pretty clustered and at pretty high elevation (on a mountain).  Depending on how far you are from town and where you are relative to the antenna farm, I'm guessing you will be able to pick up more than you think with a regular antenna and will have no trouble if you put one on the roof and hit it with a preamp.  Of course, if it starts snowing sideways, it will affect the signal. 

    On the positive side of things, you live in Durango.  I have a friend who is a school teacher there.  It looks amazing. 

  3. 1 hour ago, MoJames said:

    Any recommendations on antenna's?

    First, go here  https://www.antennaweb.org/Address and see what your distance and direction is.  Consider obstacles like trees and mountains. 

    In my case, trees are the issue.  So I had to put the antenna on the roof and boost the signal with a preamp.  Other issue is that I have to split the distance directionwise to pick up the ABC affiliate (VHF to the  north) versus the rest (UHF to the southish).  The preamp was key.  From there, the cable goes into the tablo box (Original 2 Tuner Tablo Refurb on Sale) with an external HD plugged into it.  Then, you just use the Tablo app or Plex to stream your locals (no other wiring required).

    If you're close to the antenna farm, a stick up antenna might do the trick just fine.  But I had to go with the Outdoor type (Clearstream 2v).  Bought it used on ebay for about $50.

  4. 18 hours ago, MoJames said:

    I might actually do this just for me for game day.  My wife would throw a fit if I had her switch inputs to get local channels

    I already cancelled PlayStation Vue as the rep told me I couldn't reset my home to Pagosa without checking in every 60 days.  So fuck that.  I have initiated the Directv Now option and so far looks good.  The one drawback appears to be the DVR is limited, and only 2 screens, but could upgrade to 3 if we need it for 5 bucks a month more.  As well I now have HBO for 5 bucks were I was looking to pay 15 for HBO Now.  So outside of the DVR issue, no down side as of yet and I have all my local channels.

    No need to switch inputs with Tablo.  Just switch apps to either Tablo or Plex. 

    Also, with VUE, even if you don't get the locals, you get a good amount of on-demand programming for the locals.  The only reason I have the antenna is for football.

  5. 2 hours ago, MoJames said:

    I could but why would I if direct tv has all the locals.

    If you can pull a good signal, the picture of an OTA signal will look better than any streaming, satellite, or cable service.  Add a Tablo box and a hard drive and you can record your locals and stream them to any TV in the house.  After a while, we finally have two locals over VUE, but the antenna looks much better (and our local CBS affiliate has a crappy stream over VUE for some reason). 

  6. 20 hours ago, lonestarguido said:


    Recipe? Making some ribs this weekend and want a solid non mayo potato salad

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    German Potato Salad

    5 lb bag of potatoes, boiled and chopped into about 1" cubes.

    1 lb Bacon chopped into 1" pieces

    1 large white onion chopped.

    2--3 cloves garlic minced

    1 bunch of green onions chopped.

    Salt/pepper to taste.

    1/4 Cup White Sugar

    1 Cup White Vinegar.

    Fresh chopped Parsley for garnish

    Directions:  In a large pan, fry up the bacon pieces until crispy.  Set aside.  Saute the garlic, white onion, and green onion in a portion of the bacon grease (or use olive oil if you prefer).  Salt and pepper to taste.  Once everything looks tasty, add the potatoes, and pan fry until you have some good brown, crispy edges.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Add sugar and vinegar and mix it up well.  Mix the bacon back in.  Mix in some of the parsley.  Put it all in a serving dish and sprinkle some more parsley over the top. 



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  7. 16 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    This is actually one just a few miles south of Tyler in Bullard. Posrep for sleuthing

    No sleuthing.  Live here.  That building is a continuing string of sad, failing restaurants. 

  8. Sell it on Craigslist as is.  I sold a 2001 SUV for about $3,500 in less than 3 days.  Transmission was whining, a/c had a leak somewhere, cruise control was nonfunctioning.  Disclosed it all and had someone jump on it fast.  Carmax offered me $700, which prompted the Craigslist listing.

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  9. On 9/16/2018 at 5:23 PM, Damor said:

    Unfortunately, my current temperature control consists of the darkest-coolest-interior-closet system.  That's going to put me at about 71-72*, but aside from destroying my electric bill for the next couple weeks, I'm not sure how to mitigate that until I can get a fridge to modify (which I can see will need to be my next investment).  Any recommendations to get this batch by?

    Google Swamp Cooler.  Basically a tub of water with a tshirt around the carboy to wick up the water from the tub.  You have a fan blowing across it.  Never used it, but apparently it works pretty well.

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