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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by dcbc

  1. 12 hours ago, Nolacycling said:
    sorry, but you are overly involved. your intentions are great. keep providing options in case f'ball does not work out. Choir, band, swim, xc... I hope I'm wrong, please keep us updated as to how his ms coaches placed him.

    Not really, but if I have given that impression here, so be it.  I just bought him a $3 used book, which he seems pretty excited to read.  

    He's involved with plenty of other things other than football.  He's in band, he's talking about cross country, student council, theater, etc.

    I'd be perfectly happy if he was one and done in football.  But I figured if he was this interested in it, I might as well give him an opportunity to understand it. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Yeah, that is a good idea if you are willing to baby your oven for awhile.

    I've got these temp controllers I use for holding chest freezers in about a 2 degree range for fermentation.  I have considered using one of them in the cooler hooked up to a heating pad.  A roaster probably is easier, but who knows how accurate the thermostats are on those things. 

    I'm mostly overthinking it for the sake of overthinking it.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I just don't quite get why that is needed.  When I wrap, there's always plenty of moisture pooling in the crevices on top, and that's the entire reason for wrapping — moisture keeps coming out and evaporates, cooling the brisket and causing the stall.  So why add more?  I mean, it probably doesn't hurt or anything, and I'll totally start doing it if it really makes a positive difference, I just don't get it.   But would love to know if I'm wrong. 

    I think there also is the idea that spritzing regularly after the first few hours helps the bark set up better (smoke sticks to wet better than dry is the idea).


    That said, that brisket I posted above (the most recent one) sat on the smoke unbothered for 12 hours, got a spritz right before I pulled it off to let it rest and nothing more other than sitting wrapped in foil for 7 hours afterward. 


  4. 38 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    What is the reason for spraying the brisket with liquid (50/50 Worcestershire/water, or apple juice, or whatever) before wrapping?   I've never done that and don't get what the benefit would be.  If you're wrapping, it's because the brisket is already sweating and losing heat, so you don't need the moisture, right? 

    Just trying to keep it moist.  I give it a good spritz before I wrap it or, if I don't wrap it, I give it a few spritzes during the cook.

  5. 18 minutes ago, RPM said:

    Right turn, Clyde.

    Was just talking to someone about these movies the other day.  Watching it now!  Thanks for the heads up!

    EWWBL was released in 1978.  Eastwood was 48 years old!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Both Tacos said:
    On 7/31/2018 at 8:09 PM, dcbc said:
    I just made the Pinto Beans from Franklin's book.  Did a no soak variation in the Instant Pot and it turned out well.
    1 lb dry pinto beans rinsed.
    1/2 cup diced onion
    5 cups water
    1 cup chopped brisket with lots of bark.
    Spices (I estimated this because he gives a bulk recipe and it only requires 1/2 cup per small batch.
    1/4 cup kosher salt
    1/8 cup coarse black pepper
    1/2 cup chili powder
    1 Tablespoon of Garlic Powder
    1 Tablespoon of Onion Powder
    1/2 Teaspoon of Cumin
    Throw it all in the Instant Pot and run on manual pressure cooker for 47 minutes.  Let it sit for 15 minutes after. 
    Edit:  Definitely a bit heavy on the salt, but otherwise really good.

    Read more  

    Yep, very salty and spicy. This was the first time using the Instant Pot and glad there was a frozen pizza around to eat for dinner instead.

    Sorry.  Made some more last night and cut the spices down trying to get the proportions close and they turned out great.  47 minutes is the sweet spot on time regardless.

  7. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    at least 2-3x throughout the show he's said something like that.  it's a very big thing for his character (although seems with his upbringing it wouldn't be, but whatever).  when the reporter asked him to comment on ted chaough's comment about being in draper's rear view mirror or something, don says, "i don't even know who he is." 

    It's a great move if you don't mind looking like an asshole.  I'm not Surly 1%, so I don't have enough pee-ons in my life to try one of these out. 

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