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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by dcbc

  1. On 7/27/2018 at 1:45 PM, CleverNickname said:


    in writing this up its apparent the solution is to run an easement along the east fence of Neighbor A from the north county road. I guess? So long as the parcel that is new to my FIL touches his remaining acreage, I dont think an easement by necessity would have cause to be created. 

    If you do the swap, I'd think you'd definitely want to write up a written easement for the landlocked properties.  Better that you write up the terms than a court after a bunch of litigation. 

  2. I just read this somewhere else, and had forgotten how much it bothers me.

    When someone says they "feel badly" for someone, they're saying that they are not good at feeling for them. 

    What they mean to say is that they "feel bad" for them. 

    • Like 2
  3. 16 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    I want the LHN to be able to have the game feed for Longhorn games on ABC/ESPN and then have some former UT players give color commentary for the entire game (like Studdard, et al did that one time).

    Make the LHN game feed something UT fans want to watch, instead of just doing the radio broadcast.

    Or as a place where Dish Network subscribers can watch games in SD if they so desire.

    /former disgruntled Dish Network subscriber

  4. 2 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Dutch oven is perfect for any meats like short ribs or shanks that need to be browned or seared before slowly braising.  Not gonna post recipes, but usually after the meat searing, you take the meat aside and saute the aromatics in the pan juices until soft, add back the meat and other veggies and wine/stock and finish in a slow oven for many hours until the meat is tender.  Then pull the meat and reduce the stock until it reaches the desired viscosity.  Don't salt or season before that point or you will be screwed with a sauce that is way too salty.  Not to hijack, but an Insta-pot or an electric pressure cooker does this kinda stuff really well, too.   

    I've done that recipe in the instant pot.  Not quite as good, but took about 2.5 hours instead of 6.

  5. 20 hours ago, ChampKind said:

    Its not hearsay, per se. Its also not a news story. Its their speculation about what might be happening based on several recent events. Bryan is a good dude (and posts on this board from time to time), and wouldn’t speak out of turn. They did some digging and this piece is their interpretation of what might be going on.


    That link above to the podcast about Franklin is 404'd.

    This is like the offseason the Food/BBQ Forum. :)

    edit:  The Tales from the Pits guys posted an explanation on Twitter.  I'd repost, but it's a series of screen grabs (long statement).  Life goes on.



  6. 44 minutes ago, ChampKind said:

    Buy a spray bottle and fill it 50/50 with woosty and water

    I've got the spray bottle, but it has 50/50 ACV and water (I'm a fan of the tart flavors).  But I'll definitely try the "woosty" mixture next time.

  7. I drool over these well built stick burners, but I keep talking myself out of them because I tend to like cooking overnight and sleeping, and I feel like tending a fire constantly would lead to my not using it as much.  I need a time share on one of these things. :)


    For now, I'm very happy with my 22.5" WSM with the Cajun Bandit Door and my Pit Barrel Cooker.  I thought about selling the PBC when I got the WSM, but that little thing is great to have around for overflow when I'm cooking for larger groups and, frankly, does chicken and pork ribs better than I have been able to do on the WSM so far.  I'd post pictures, but I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what these ubiquitous smokers look like. 

  8. 2 hours ago, ChampKind said:

    I’ll sometimes hit the brisket with a little woosty just to make sure the pepper lays down. But mustard and all that other shit is unnecessary. My opinion, your results may vary

    I'm glad I tried it, but my anecdotal evidence between the mustard/pickle juice or olive oil versus nothing is that it did little more than help the rub stick, which is something I want.  But something cheap, neutral, and easy to grab like (Worcestershire, Olive Oil, ACV, or the like) is all you really need for brisket.  For all I know, some of these guys have so many buckets full of pickle juice lying around that it's something easy to dip a brisket as a time saver. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, luke duke said:

    I’ve never found the need to use a binder.

    I didn't use one on the last one I did.  Turned out fine.  There's enough fat and moisture on a packer to hold things in place, I figure.

  10. I appreciate the compliment. I'd say that the first four slices are a bit dry, but still pull apart.  The rest of the flat was very moist. 


    As for method, I'm not doing anything that wasn't suggested by people in the threads here or on TOS. You guys got me into this and taught me how to do it. I think I read the WSM thread on the old site twice over at least.  Its a salt and pepper rub, equal parts by volume (I prefer this to by weight) with just a little cayenne pepper mixed in. KBB in the WSM 4--6 wood chunks. Minion method, cooking between 225 and 250 until done. When I don't wrap that's usually between 195 and 200. If I do wrap, it's closer to 209 typically. Rest, then into the cooler or oven until serving.

    Those clay pot bases in the pan really have cut down on temperature swings.

    I'll fess up that the brisket I made last weekend, while really good, was a really tough flat because I had a few too many cervezas and sliced the flat with the grain without checking.  I was not a happy camper.  I'd notched it as a reference and everything.  I also had smoked a brisket for a buddy and written out specific slicing instructions with pictures and everything.  That's the first time I've done that in about two years.  Felt like such a supreme dumbass.

  11. Brisket turned out well.  Tail end of the flat is a bit dry and I may wrap my next to see if it makes a huge difference across the flat.  But most of it was great.  I didn't taste anything different from the mustard apart from the rub holding on a bit better through the cook versus no binder at all.  I'll probably stick to olive oil.


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  12. Update on my burn time.  I know they say only change one thing at a time, but I'm not sure I care.  To recap, I

    1.  Added more coals to the ring to the point that the stack was above the level of the ring.  I'm guessing around 20 lbs, but couldn't say for sure.  It was one full 15.5 lb bag and not quite half of another. 

    2.  Added a gasket to the lid.

    3.  Didn't run the ceiling fan.

    WSM has been running in the 240 range for approaching 18 hours.  I'm floored.  It has to be the lid gasket.  While I added more charcoal, it wasn't a significant amount since 15 lbs pretty much fills the ring level.

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