No. I'm not a Trump lawyer or a judge. And politically, you and I align. I've worked in the judiciary for more than two decades, and in my little swath of the world, it is not corrupt and it is not political when it comes down to brass tacks. If it were, I wouldn't have made a career as a civil-servant attorney in that branch of government.
It's not that I don't agree that parts of the system are fucked up and need fixing. But the notions you espouse so often involve the entirety of the judicial system's being fucked up and corrupt. And that broad, false generality is, whether intentional, a direct attack on me and people like me who do what I do, are in this for the right reasons, and work hard to make sure things are done fairly and impartially. And there are a lot of us with the same motivations. That's not to say we always get it right. But that's the goal 100% of the time where I am. And the reason I do what I do is because I saw parts of the system that didn't seem fair and found a way to put myself in a position to, in some small part, make sure things are fair.
TLDR, we might agree on quite a few things. But every time you paint your diatribes with such broad strokes, it just comes off as noise---all zeros; no ones.
And thanks for ruining Austin, Tech Bro! See? Generalities, right? You probably didn't ruin all of Austin.