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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. From what I've read, he isn't required to participate in the pre-sentencing interview, but not doing so is going to piss off Merchan, and it would be in his best interest to get it scheduled.
  2. dcbc


    I made an impromptu trip to a record store about an hour north of town. Good haul
  3. Trump was and is a brand. Not a good one. Lots of failure in that brand. But it was a known brand. They won't find that again in any of our lifetimes. It won't even transfer to his kids, and he wouldn't want it to because it's all about him.
  4. For sure. Former Senator. Former Secretary of State. Lawyer. White House experience. She was damned-sure more qualified than a moronic game-show host. And, because of how prepared they were to continue their decades-old. smear campaign on her, she was the only person Donald could beat.
  5. The DNC using Superdelegates to give her the nomination, and her ignoring battleground states is what made her a flawed candidate. The republicans and Fox News went after her when she was First Lady and never stopped. She was always the candidate they wanted to run against. They poisoned that well years before that election. I sure as hell voted for her.
  6. From what I've seen, NY has some pretty weird nuances in their procedures versus what I'm used to in Texas. The whole "no instructions go back with the jury unless Defendant consents" was a new one, as we the judge-only sentencing. I'm not taking anything I know for granted about how shit works in NY at this point.
  7. I'm going to go with I would smash both of those like the fist of an angry god. Good show.
  8. Also, I now will refer to my cheap-ass preferred Bloody Mary as the Tree-Fiddy Bloody Mary. As for mixes, I don't care much, as long as they don't have shit floating in them. Zing Zang? Cool. Mr. & Mrs T? Okay. Let's make some drinks.
  9. Hows the mulch burn in those WSMs? What do you have on the WSMs? I read that in Junior's voice.
  10. Ha! That's the exact same article I read before responding.
  11. First I've heard of a Bloody Bull. Beef stock, you say? I must try one of these magical concoctions.
  12. I like 'em cheap and easy with a lime and a lot of ice. Vodka and store-bought mix. I've gotten to where I don't order them at bars because, 9/10 times, they're overly complicated with a bunch of shit floating in them, have a certain off-taste I can't put my finger on, and a triple-decker club sandwich with pickles and okra sticking out every which way. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat the sandwich, and the occasional piece of bacon or celery to stir it is fine. But give me the lime. I know which way the Unpopular Opinion thread is. I'll show my way out.
  13. Every time I see WITCH HUNT, I'm reminded that this statute has been around for some time and many people have been prosecuted for violating it before Trump. https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/ There's a link to a 24 page table at the end of this short article with a list of the previous prosecution. If it is a witch hunt, they've caught a lot of witches.
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