Have I heard a better version of the song? Probably. Can it fairly be compared to hearing/seeing this performance? Nah. I got choked up a couple of times. And yes, the stoppage time has gotten silly over the years. The first set struck me as a "this is what the Sphere can do" tutorial at first. They started small and played things with tighter jam sections or mostly composed tunes like Divided Sky. By the time they got to Character Zero to end the first set, they were starting to cook. The second set dug in and didn't feel like it ever let go. The visuals were more intense and complete in coverage. If you watched the stage, you got the feeling that the entire venue was moving, tilting, and shifting. And the floor was definitely moving with all the people dancing. It was no polite show where everyone sat in his/her seats. The audience seemed to me like any other show. Divided sky was really the only landscape we got if you don't count the "sky full of stars" we got for 2001/ASZ. I haven't been to a show since 2016, and, as usual, there were a few tunes I didn't recognize. But most of the songs hit hard, and I felt like we got a really solid show. I intentionally avoided spoilers before we went so I wouldn't know what songs to expect or, more importantly, what I'd missed. The people I went with and I were talking about how ridiculous it would seem to us in the 90s if someone had told us we would see something like this 30 years later.