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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. Responses are unexpectedly slow. I can count on one hand the friends I have who like this movie. Usually, it's the friend and their spouse. Anyway, I sent this clip to a couple we have hung out with for years, who love this movie and copied my wife on the text. My wife's response: "The Massey prenup is impenetrable!" /love that woman (no pics)
  2. "Are you familiar with Kirschner? Kirschner does not apply. Bring this to trial, and we'll see if Kirschner applies. (Client: What's Kirschner). Please, let me handle this. Kirschner was in Kentucky. Kirschner was in Kentucky? Kirschner was in Kentucky! Alright, Freddy, forget Kirschner! What's your bottom line! Primary residence; 30% of the remaining assets. What are you, nuts!?!? Have you forgotten Kirschner?!?" /obscure, perhaps, but hilarious
  3. What I keep coming back to on it is that, let's say everyone overlooks it and the judgment gets signed. Those addresses aren't some sort of Kings X, GOT YOU, FUCKERS! legal maneuver. Nothing changes with regard to the status of these businesses, which are registered in NY. James files a motion for judgment nunc pro tunc to fix a clerical error in the judgment, and the ball keeps on rolling. All they succeeded in doing is making themselves look even more inept and crooked.
  4. dcbc

    Texas Primaries

    Good. I made the right decision then. In-and-out in under 5 minutes. Nice not to wear out my "nope" finger on the propositions.
  5. dcbc

    Texas Primaries

    How many people over a certain age gave Facebook their phone number (for some long-ago-abandoned FB calling feature) and promptly forgot they did so. Recovery phone number for an email account? Nothing is free.
  6. Some days, I wish I did not. Maybe if I hadn't had to fill up my biological hard drive space remembering this nonsense, I could have learned how to weld or code or something else practical.
  7. dcbc

    Texas Primaries

    Your phone number (if you gave it) and your party affiliation (determined by which primary you voted in in the last election cycle) is available to the campaigns. And if you didn't provide a phone number, they bought that info from somewhere else. The data has been mined. Burner phones may be the future. Android messages' spam filter for texts and Google Assistant's phone call screening both are excellent. I never see a political texts and can robo-screen calls from numbers I don't recognize, the latter of which is very satisfying.
  8. Wow! Not so suddenly, I'm feeling better and better about hanging onto my 1998 Ski Nautique.
  9. dcbc

    Texas Primaries

    I've put off early voting so far. Because of my geographic location, it almost always makes more sense for me to vote in the R primary and trying, against hope to find the more sane of the primary candidates. In other words, going where the action is. Then, in November, I vote D. And that's probably still the wisest strategy if I want my primary vote to mean anything. But damn, the thought of the poll worker's asking me "Republican or Democrat" and answering the former just doesn't fill me with pride in doing my civic duty at the moment.
  10. I suspect but do not know (because how would I) that this is one of those situations with lawyers who know the case is hopeless but who have an insistent client. I take solace in the fact that for every fruitless motion that delays the inevitable minimally, the coffers of his PACs and the RNC become even more depleted and he has to spend more time selling shoes and cologne than he does campaigning. At this point, it's not just Trump's downfall, it's the party anchored to him. I know it's not happening fast enough. I know many can't believe Trump Tower isn't sporting a Spirit Halloween banner already. But the hand-wringing reminds me of trying to watch a good movie with my kids when they were little. "Watch the movie." It'll be over when it's over. Behave yourselves, and when it's over, we'll get ice cream."
  11. LLCs within LLCs. I just figured he was hoping to change the business address (as opposed to the property address) so he could continue to funnel money through it, out of it, or whichever way. The physical property still could be liquidated to satisfy the monetary penalty (unless it's a mobile home and he's going to drag it down to Florida) where it will blend in, disappear, you'll never see it again. With any luck, he's found the grail already. Oh, wait . . . .
  12. Possibly, that was the intent. But in a practical sense, it keeps appeals from getting bounced on technicalities where the judgment truly was intended to dispose of everything. My perspective is skewed though. And I do what I do better if I don't try to read the tea leaves on what motivates the Texas Supreme Court.
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