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    your fren

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  1. A dogwood. A tree and a flower.
  2. Good news! Ads seem to be running as smooth as ever
  3. to be fair, I’m sure you already have more assblasting than you know what to do with
  4. This is also him, being reasonable as usual: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/profile/6270-nomadichorn/ also I wasn’t lying about him living in a van (it’s a nice van)
  5. Honestly it’s irresponsible for surly to let him continue posting, because of his history. Here’s the time he got assblasted for stalking his neighbor, who apparently angered VAPA by—checks the court document—being a liberal. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2017/07/Findings-and-Conclusions.pdf
  6. the issue here is that VAPA/corn Pop/WingedRyno/Pickbattles will come back, and he is literally a danger to others:
  7. At the very least, Corn Pop is a racist, fascist cop-hater, so if he’s *not* VAPA, they should at least meet each other
  8. Which is typical VAPA behavior; join with a new sock, post in some sports threads for easy rep, and then start either replying to himself or spamming DT/Bada Bing/CR with links to his blog or one of his bizarre-ass websites
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