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mantis toboggan

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Everything posted by mantis toboggan

  1. Was it CTJ or maybe one of his connected friends who gushed over weggy? Labeled hims as the real deal or something? oops.
  2. Perrilloux, I was defeated, you won the war Perrilloux, promise to love you forevermore Perrilloux, couldn't escape if I wanted to Perrilloux, knowing my fate is to be with you Woah, woah, woah, woah, Perrilloux Finally facing my Perrilloux
  3. Someone with more knowledge than me please tell me why Ohio will spilt Dem/repub for senate/president? Is the repub senate candidate that bad? Seems off.
  4. Thank goodness. We can avoid the bear Alexanders of the world
  5. Geoff be playing chess while many on this board saying “king me”.
  6. I wasn’t aware of this. This is a real bad idea. No way I’m voting Kamala now.
  7. mantis toboggan


    Not my finest moment.
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