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mantis toboggan

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Everything posted by mantis toboggan

  1. Not saying your are wrong and Ketch is shitbird but how would you have knowledge of his subscriber base?
  2. True Scholz. My permission comment applies to the rejoining the team part. For mv and tex- thank you. This is what I was asking for.
  3. Is no one here going to attempt the mental gymnastics needed to reconcile the quitters comment from Sark and being allowed do withdraw from the portal to rejoin the team?
  4. Are you able to clarify a bit? Do you mean in the “everyone has an uncle” part of recruiting or just straight up connecting with the players and families?
  5. Put this way, I am now stripped of my illusions. Thank you. We live in a dark hell.
  6. I would not have expected someone with alleged issues at school of fighting teammates and coaches to graduate a year early. The world is a magical place full of wonder and mystery.
  7. Thanks to all for the history on Terrell. Agenda or not, unless some are made up which no one is alleging , the comments are disturbing. Hopefully a small sample size that more reflects on the prior staff than the current one.
  8. I haven’t. Are you meaning that this has been well established or he has a bias and lacks credibility?
  9. I do not doubt your experience with identifying weak staffs.
  10. I alluded to this issue in a prior post but once again a transfer target has eluded our attempts to gain his commitment.
  11. Wondering if we really are playing the game or just not effective at it. But as you pointed out there are reasonable explanations for our misses, thus the small sample size caveat. And thank you Mr Bot for correcting my error. I am better for it.
  12. If, under this new staff, we are now playing “the game”, as many have eluded to, we seem to be unable to close on some of these transfers. Makes you wonder. Maybe too small a sample size though.
  13. I will throw out the fiancé of mare’s ex husband. Jealous he was screwing the dead girl? seemed strange when mare corrected the young cop so purposely not to rule out a female for the killer. may not coincide with the moving of the body but may not be an issue when they gave the weight of the victim and noted a cover up of fake sex assault with clothes missing but no vaginal bruising
  14. That’s one of the most appealing aspects of Christianity / religion for many... being able to do whatever you want under the cloak of righteousness and then asking for forgiveness once you get caught. It’s really is a nice loophole. this is the cloak room, correct?
  15. What stood out to me “they drive a new white Lexus”. Anyone want to dig deeper into this interesting detail?
  16. Wondering if we need to start an Andre Colman hustle never sleeps thread? Rumors from a pay site that he is all breaks it the recruiting department. Any one with knowledge want to kill this rumor here and now?
  17. I mean is it just me or do these practices look totally different than the ones we got to see under[insert previous coach name here]? This seems fucking explosive. Yet I choose to believe you are correct because that’s what we do as fans that post on message boards in the middle of a work day.
  18. This thread is fucked but I keep reading it. Just gut wrenching stuff in here and it’s impact is more than the usual shitty life story you read on the net or hear in the news. The first hand accounts make it so personal and thus devastating.
  19. Fair is for a pig auction and a pie eating contest.
  20. Can someone clue my dumbass in on why the officials are all happening in June?
  21. At the risks of being negged for asking a non positive question during the surge in stud recruiting by Sark to kick off his first real class, is anyone concerned about where we are with DL recruiting? To my amateur eye it appears we are behind on the top guys with the exception of the DL from North Shore. Unexpected with Bo imo. out of state push coming? Someone want to rub my balls and make me feel better?
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