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mantis toboggan

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Everything posted by mantis toboggan

  1. Seems very reasonable that Urban would take an NFL job over Texas. The top nfl coaches salaried are higher than Top college coaches. I suspect Herman would be paid the same or better at the nfl level than UT. I could see him saying I have won 2 championships at 2 different colleges. I want to test my self at the highest level of the game in the NFL. Hell maybe they throw in a GM tag too. if I am guessing, it is most likely he was coming to Texas until the NFL called. It explains the UT confidence and then the sudden reversal.
  2. All true. I think what bothers many on here is the number of “insiders” that continued to confirm he was coming after the “no”. Debeasy stuck by his reporting of the no and is safe in my book. The others (caddox orange 1 and reneg (or something like that) among others should be called out for their lies or at a minimum admit they have shit sources.
  3. Caddox probably is referring to the “insider” post on orange bloods that is taking off. Says the answer is a firm no with pages of idiots arguing insider credentials. Sua Sponte jumps in with his “it’s not over” according to his source. Many know Sua and can judge for themselves on his credibility. I will say if he knows something in real time many others would know as well i suspect the OP on orgebloods just took the post from Tiger droppings and used it as their inside info. NFL job would explain the abrupt “no” from a few weeks ago after such positive BDE. And I won’t rely on a Shelly Meyer interview to be solid intel.
  4. Thanks. This would also debunk the “health reasons”.
  5. It would mean that Fat Ketch (or other 9.95er) did not play a part in the turn down. But maybe that is not what CTJ was implying. Any explanation given on why the turn down?
  6. I think it’s pretty clear that UM is not lined up and is unlikely to ever be lined up. Denial is comforting though. On the plus side, I strongly believe Herman is gone. The CDC statement fiasco was likely a (failed) attempt to buy time to start a coaching search outside of UM from scratch as we thought he couldn’t say no. that is why I want to hear the reason we were so sure and why we were so wrong.
  7. Has there been a clear, understandable and believable reason why he turned us down? Maybe I should, but I find it difficult to accept the “health” reason after a long courtship since the OU game. Also do you really kick the tires on staff if you pull the plug based on health? Seems that bridge would have been crossed much earlier in the process. From reports it seems like he wants to coach again. Unfortunately I am not buying the grand conspiracy of he has accepted and waiting for OSU season to end. At the end of this, would like to know what caused the sudden reversal after what seems like a no brain decision is to coach again for the money being offered.
  8. Somehow the jump to last read post is not happening for me. Goes to the first page of the thread. Any suggestions?
  9. After looking at your previous posting history and prior predictions I lack confidence in your information.
  10. I see mr orange is viewing but not posting.
  11. I believe you also claimed in your first post here that Herman would be fire Saturday after KSU. That looks unlikely at this time- agree?
  12. Can someone tell me how Ewers will compare to the Gunnell effect?
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