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Certifiably Surly
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About TeeDubya

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  1. Finally, a reason I can be happy about being married and not single.
  2. Lemme know how that works out. Might need a strategy share.
  3. Letโ€™s look at another, fairly hidden sociological social media effect. SM gives people a VERY easy way to connect to like-minded users. Before social media, those out of the mainline had mimeographed or photocopied newsletters, followed by shadowy web pages or AOL/Compuserve communities, followed by message boards (hello Cloak Room). It was a long, somewhat deliberate process to get feedback on oneโ€™s perspective. Now, people can have their fucked up ideas almost immediately legitimized and reinforced, with the added benefit of normalizing their fuckeduppedness almost instantly.
  4. The Latino community, as we are often reminded, is not a homogenous group. It's as widely varied politically as culturally.
  5. Perception is reality. Whatever metrics used to say inflation isn't that bad, if someone PERCEIVES inflation is bad, that's reality. (It's a pragmatism research philosophy in the world of qualitative research)
  6. this. at 18, all I wanted was one of D, F, or F. Drunk, fight, or fuck.
  7. Itโ€™s one thing to rip into each other as adults, but fuck you for mocking children. You stupid, miserable, fucking asshole. Fuck you! if you had a shred of decency, youโ€™d edit or remove that.
  8. The country is divided, clearly. We still clearly have millions of racist, misogynistic, undereducated people who vote against their own interests. with that as the underlying condition, the Democrats nominating Hillary in 2016 continues to haunt this country. Whatif time: Whatif the democrats encourage/allow Biden to run in 2016? He wins easily, and likely is reelected in 2020.
  9. We knew that was the only certainty today. Well and TexAgs spearheading the shockingly stupid.
  10. 20 minute wait here in Tulsa to vote in person. Oklahoma has early voting really clamped down. Only four days and only two sites. Two hour wait times were common. Biggest turnout the precinct workers have ever seen, they ran out of "I voted" stickers at 10:30am. He said there was already a line to vote when they opened at 7am. Several olds, but a lot of younger voters, more than I've ever seen, and some smoking hot, blue-wearing women. Mrs. TeeDubya was with me, so I wasn't going ask if they needed their ballot box stuffed.
  11. Thank a meteorologist today, or buy the meteorologist some Chili's.
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