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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. yup, no way his fat ass would squeeze through a door plug opening.
  2. AFU kept some of their powder dry. Russia shot their wad.... All that said, Putin-less Russia will be like every other power overthrow there, according to Dr. Mark Galiotti. There will be a decade or two of introspection, then off and running on another imperialist rampage through their neighbors.
  3. Those fuckers probably will be in adjacent beds at the cardiac ICU soon.
  4. The watch, or Trump? Both valid….
  5. Don’t make fun. Someone had to pawn their Camaro and get a second mortgage on their mobile home to buy that, and the 150’ extension cord they plug into their neighbor’s outdoor outlet at night to charge it with.
  6. The Speaker is an old-school GOP type. He knows/hopes MAGA is a temporary shit stain on his party. He does everything according to decorum, custom, and agonizingly slowly, using proper channels, dotting every i, crossing every t. He isn’t going to do anything Walters wants in this matter. Walters will sink, but he will be powerless in how it happens.
  7. From Pew: For election surveys in particular, estimates that look at “likely voters” rely on models and predictions about who will turn out to vote that may also introduce error. Unlike sampling error, which can be calculated, these other sorts of error are much more difficult to quantify and are rarely reported. But they are present nonetheless, and polling consumers should keep them in mind when interpreting survey results. Fuck every one of those racist sycophants.
  8. That the AFU has been so effective with an incursion of basically two brigade size shows just how disjointed and incompetent Russia’s military truly is. From the split command/control, to railroad-based logistics. You have to wonder just how badly their nuclear stocks have been pilfered for components.
  9. I’m sorry Hook. You’re a really devoted and loving to do that.
  10. None of the Hebrew Scriptures were written until after Solomon built the temple and hired scribes…. The Torah is a collection of beautiful campfire stories.
  11. If you’re going to dream, dream BIG
  12. Same. and Hamish De Bretton-Gordon is much older than I expected. Though, Frances Dernley looks EXACTLY like I expected.
  13. Not quite Frank Beamer tho.
  14. Dominic Nicholls has a pretty good look at the Kursk offensive
  15. In fairness to the Wermacht, the Soviets were prepared far better in 1943 to repel armor. Meanwhile in 2024, the Russians are completely 8nept and clueless, and even if they knew this was coming, they couldn’t do shit about it…
  16. Suburban Tulsa school superintendent sues Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters.... Suit attached. 1059212859-20240815-115813-.pdf
  17. This strategy is probably saving scores of lives, both civilian, Russian, and AFU, by using surprise to avoid firefights.
  18. Dangling Chad. Looks like a Matlock or Murder She Wrote watch party. That should do it.
  19. they should have Hoffa chance of accomplishing that.
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