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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Bonhoeffer references. Surly is like paradise.
  2. How did your countertop crack? Impact?
  3. Tongue and groove in. Lights going in tomorrow.
  4. IMO, you'll notice the difference if you're watching over the air. If you're feeding it TV over IP or cable/satellite, just buy a mid-range/cheapish 4K panel. With compression in the transmission in a non-light controlled viewing room, you'll be hard-pressed to see the difference.
  5. Quid Pro Quo. Playing the victim card again. Jews, Romans, Sultan Non-Whites Women Non-Straights All apparently a threat to the white male, and an omnipotent God, who needs victimized white men to take of the banner of the Cultural War.
  6. The ridiculously tall fireplace is about finished.
  7. Genius: Pelosi: “I have enjoyed working with three presidents”. -Biden -Trump -Obama -Bush
  8. That's great to know. Thanks!
  9. "I completed the wall, and I'm going to add to the wall."
  10. In fairness, the per capita levels of dumbfuck, ultra-nationalist, morbidly obese, gun-hugging Trumpkin-lovers is similar.
  11. https://twitter.com/Liz_Cheney/status/1592340964982808576?s=20&t=J4hr1s5Keu2tftP7_oTSKA
  12. I bet you're looking at $20 a foot maybe?
  13. I've actually had decent luck with the Feit BR40 and PAR38 I've picked up at Costco. The standard shape Cree 9W LEDs I bought at Home Depot five years ago are still burning strongly.
  14. His political career is about to call its immediate family bedside.
  15. Nice eye!! Yes it is. I like it, alot. I have a mesonet site three miles from me, and this is really close on temp and humidity. Rain overestimates in the heaviest downpours, but then dials back to a final number as the intensity decreases-it's kinda odd. Light and moderate rain, it does great. And once it dials back a bit after heavy rain, the numbers lock in on a good number. I do have a Rachio too, but haven't dived into the integration yet, waiting for the semester to end and have some time to do it.
  16. following to learn more I know you need adequate inbound air for a wood-burning fireplace, which is why when you have a roaring fire, there's often a draft coming in around doors. Make sure your house has a source of outside air (doesn't take much) to feed into the fire. Too much wood can result in an incomplete or smoky burn. Sometimes, you have to slightly tinker with the damper opening to get it just right-too open: heat lost, too closed: smoke enters the room. Obviously, it can be a little hot adjusting a damper with an active fire.... need to use fully seasoned/dry hardwood too. When all else fails, look into a fireback insert to help reflect more heat back.
  17. Dollar Generals and dispensaries on every corner. EVERY. Might even outnumber mobile homes.
  18. Nice weiner.
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