Post-tensioned slab? No problems, no worries. PTS started in this part of the country in widespread use in the 70s.
If you're on rock or really sandy soil, you normally won't see much contraction/expansion and non-PTS are often ok. Clay expands and contracts with moisture content and temperature too. PTS is a must.
There are usually only one or two companies who do the PTS in an area, and they should have records of your slab, or even point you to another company if they didn't do yours....
PVC done correctly is fine, as is Pex. But, there can be problems from poor installation, and there can be issues with a certain group of Pex connectors made around 2010.
And whomever said above about the noise when one snaps is right. Around here, in home construction, they slab company will clear everyone out when they crank the tension up on the slabs when installing. When the pop, it's like a arrestor cable on an aircraft carrier breaking. It's loud and dangerous.