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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. That signature is about like a useless M3.0 earthquake....
  2. In his OAN shirt.
  3. Cakebread Dancing Bear is some fine juice. For a warmer season pinot, it's hard to beat Kosta Browne. For a moderate price, Meadowcroft is outstanding for reds.
  4. This. Undergrad at OU (say what you will). Master's at OSU (again, say what you will, needed it close with some in-person requirements), and now a PhD student at OSU (again, say what you will). Aside from the degree in the frame on the wall, and a linkdn line, you wouldn't know about my choice of graduate program.
  5. Big 12, with 10 teams, and ONE TRUE CHAMPION, except when we declare co-champions.
  6. Gentleman's agreement.
  7. The rank-and-file knuckle-dragger won't be able to figure that out. At all. They're too busy wondering why their new conference name has three words and not a number. The ones with class and smarts (there are a few) will find it endlessly amusing as an indication of just how shitty the B12 was, and how both schools cooked this up to GTFO. Two winners, 8 desperate losers watching their world crumble.
  8. Have to say that for legal reason. Negotiations will speed that up.
  9. Inserts predictable joke about cotton bowl scoreboard, etc, etc.
  10. Absolutely. I hate the the shit out of burnt orange, but I respect the shit out of the beast. You can't deny the success of the long-game brand-building and equity the Longhorn name has built. There is no equal in college athletics. Texas makes OU better, and OU makes Texas better. This is the best forum in all of college athletics, save a few aggies that wandered in. Y'all are a lot better than the knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, single-syllable grunters that populate most of the OU boards. I hope you understand the pain I endured typing that paragraph. So fuck right off. The ASAP conference. Brilliant.
  11. Because I'm a dumbass, and my quick scan didn't reveal the first one.
  12. A brilliant look into their.... minds?
  13. Closing Bedlam out with a seventh OU win in a row in November?
  14. Dear god, what are these cloven hobbit feet? https://twitter.com/ThatLoomis/status/1417635316664610818?s=20
  15. Absolutely. Absolutely. Aggy can keep chanting SEC, squeezing, and jarring....
  16. Impossible: Horizontal asymptote was approached decades ago.
  17. Aggie is going to have to squeeze hard to save face.....
  18. Guess what Madame President Sunshine? You don't get to call all the shots.
  19. Dick. You're not wrong though.... (as holder of degrees from BlowU and one of the dwarves).
  20. Abso-fucking-lutely. With Briles the one to take that punishment.
  21. This right here.
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