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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Ah, an argument of immense substance. Congratulations, I guess.
  2. A tremendous voice. The very best voice. They all talk about it. Apparently.
  3. ATACMS has multiple warhead options too, similar to HIMARS: unitary warheads or multiple bomblets. In US inventory, the Precision Strike Missile is being delivered to replace the ATACMS.
  4. It’s a war, a shooting war, that their leader started. Tough shit is right…
  5. My wife and I thought that was you. Next time, buy our dinner, you broke, woke, libtard, commie, illegal alien loving dumbocrat…. 😂
  6. All of this. Fuck Russia.
  7. The cable networks are for-profit corporations. They want your eyeballs watching as many commercials as possible, by keeping you watching for longer. The best way is to maintain a comfortable echo-chamber for you, so you’ll get the warm, fuzzy feeling of opinion reinforcement. its a win-win for the cable news operations, since it’s a hell of a lot cheaper to run one studio, enjoy limited expenses for news gathering, and, as a bonus, most of these interviewees are in a quid pro quo relationship with the cable news outlets, and agree to be on at no cost.
  8. For those of you who listen to The Telegraph's "Ukraine: The Latest" podcast, host and coordinator David Knowles died this weekend at the age of 32. https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/telegraph-ukraine-podcast-presenter-david-knowles-dies/
  9. Same in the weather world. The credible sources for winter, severe, and tropical meteorology appears online exactly the same way as a teenager in mom's basement craving clicks.
  10. as shitty as Russia’s infrastructure is, the terrain in Kursk region, once dry after winter, will be highly conducive of “thunder run” offensives like Ukraine’s in Kharkiv in 2023. Ukraine watched good combined arms action in Iraq. They know.
  11. @Js1, is there a website which does a good job compiling presidential polls?
  12. I wish there was a “fucking hopeless” reaction for this. Damn
  13. Yepppp. A fundamentalist theocracy. burkas for da bitches.
  14. Cheney is an evil, genocidal fuck, but Kissinger is not far behind. Henry was a classic 19th Century Imperial colonialist.
  15. This. If the Ukraine operation is any indication, they are good at meat wave attacks, and large quantities of howitzer fire they suck at every other aspect of modern war… - goal selection and focus -morale -surprise -concentration of force -efficiency of effort and resources -flexibility at small unit level -unified command
  16. Simo Hayha, the White Death and the Finnish proclivity to prop up dead Soviet troops so their former colleagues would hopefully be unnerved.
  17. Damn, white, old, and stupid…. What a room.
  18. The gun is America’s Moloch…. ref Leviticus 18, 20 ”The sacrifice referred to was of living children consumed in the fires of offering to Moloch” https://www.nybooks.com/online/2012/12/15/our-moloch/ “Molochism is the one religion that can never be separated from the state. The state itself bows down to Moloch, and protects the sacrifices made to him. So let us celebrate the falling bodies and rising statues as a demonstration of our fealty, our bondage, to the great god Gun.”
  19. Highly recommend Dr. Mark Galeotti’s podcast, “In Moscow’s Shadows” https://inmoscowsshadows.buzzsprout.com/ same conclusion….
  20. Let's circle back on how we move the needle toward a paradigm shift by leveraging our synergies to monetize our efforts to proactively peel back the onion.
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