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Everything posted by JPETERMAN

  1. Mackovic came to give a guest speech in my blowoff "coaching" class I took Pass/Fail my senior year. I was the only one not taking notes on everything he said, which clearly pissed him off. I was paying attention, just not sucking up and acting like every word he said was gospel. He was talking about how all different sides of the team had to all pull equal weight to be successful. Then he tried to call me out and asked me what kind of triangle has all 3 of it's angles the same. I said equilateral. He smiles big in a gotcha moment and is like NOPE. Asks 2 other people next to me and they are both like, I was going to say equilateral too. He goes, nope. Isosceles. He got fired shortly thereafter. Made me happy. I'll be happy when Herman is gone too. Arrogant people that think they know everything, talk down to people, and don't learn from their mistakes or harness their ego usually get what they deserve in the end. Ironic he had the guest speaker in recently to talk to the team about how ego is the enemy. If he could have checked his ego at the door, and not been so stubborn, this might have turned out differently for him.
  2. Well I can think of a certain defensive coordinator that Urban proclaims love for that I'd much rather get rid of before Carrington. And oh, maybe we can bring back Zach Smith. He was a real good hire by Urban, clearly. Now maybe everyone loves Urban so much that the entire Ohio State coaching staff will jump at the chance to join him in Austin. But I think we might be able to find a spot to retain one recruiting coordinator who has proven himself to be pretty dang good.
  3. You serious? Carrington is the best person on staff as far as I can tell. Think of how much worse our recruiting classes would have been the past few years without him carrying weight and pitching in to personally recruit entire position groups on occasion to cover for subpar coaches. He'd be lethal if we actually had a decent on field product to sell, and a head coach that doesn't come across as a dick to most kids and their parents. We should definitely try to retain him if we can.
  4. Guess I though they could still watch games, just not do in home or official on campus visits. Well then, that's even better. Urban could be the only "coach" allowed on the road to watch games and then accidentally run into the kids at Sonic after the game since he wouldn't officially be named our coach yet.
  5. Or we could Fire Herman, put Carrington on the road. Not officially hire Urban yet, so that when he is asked on big noon Saturday about who he thinks will win between Oregon and USC, he can steer the topic back around to how great Texas is going to be in a few years. He can make unlimited in home visits to top recruits as he "vacations" throughout the week. Then officially hire him Thanksgiving day to get the most publicity for everyone watching NFL and College games over the next few days.
  6. I mean they have 10 games this season on their (Covid-shortened) schedule. So half of a season would be 5 games. Counting they sat out one last year for the bowl, if they serve 4 games, they'd miss TX//OU unless the NCAA decides to let them off easier.
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