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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Kenny just said it was 5 on 8 and Brooks’ foul on the inbounds was crap.
  2. Refs ruined the end of this game. Fuck the NBA and David Silver.
  3. In Houston’s NFL history, we have only made it to the conference finals twice, during the Luv Ya Blue era, and I was too young to remember and experience. Growing up as a die hard Oilers fan during the Run N Shoot era, I had never seen them win a division title, all I wanted as a teenager was to see an AFC Central championship banner hanging in the Astrodome. The first time the Texans won a division title in 2011 that meant a lot to me — now it’s a regular occurrence but it’s not enough. I have always wanted to see a Houston team in the Super Bowl before I die. I thought that it’d happen one day - I am now in my 50s and am not so sure anymore. The first step in doing so is to win on Saturday and get to a conference championship game for the first time and, for me, the first time I will have ever experienced getting past this round. Let’s fucking kick the door in damn it.
  4. This is for @HtownHorn. I think it’s time to stop hating brother What’s different about this year is that Jalen has been good since Thanksgiving, he is attacking the basket, making the right reads and making the extra pass and, finally, he is doing this against top notch competition unlike the weak schedule last March.
  5. Amen is the best defensive player Rockets have had since Hakeem. The way he impacts the game with rebounding, blocks and steals is Dream-like.
  6. This team is fucking legit. Jalen is becoming a star. Love how he is attacking the cup and making the extra pass. That’s the reason why I’m a believer that this breakout is sustainable since it’s predicated on drives to the hoop. No doubt he has also improved the form of his jumper too by not jumping as high as before which allows for him to stay consistent with good form. This offense is so much better than it was earlier this season.
  7. Man winning this game feels so damn good. Haven’t been as excited about this team since 2018.
  8. Great fucking game!! Jalen is breaking out this year. Fucking great team win!!
  9. Jalen is having another great game. 22 points at halftime. He is amongst the top scorers in the league this month and is doing it efficiently. Really like what I’m seeing from him.
  10. Traveling Texans got a special discount code for United flights to Kansas City, which is one of the most expensive cities domestically to fly to because of a lack of competition. Flights leaving Friday were not available. Thursday was the latest departure. https://www.united.com/en/us/book-flight/united-reservations?txtPromoCode=ZQRX976431
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