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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Macklemore

  1. Front office and manager letting this team down big time. Make a fucking move to add an arm and bat Dana.
  2. LOL Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta, does not plan to endorse a candidate in the November presidential election, he told Bloomberg News in an interview on Thursday. But Zuckerberg praised Donald J. Trump’s immediate response to the assassination attempt against him, saying that it was difficult not to get “emotional about that spirit and that fight — and I think that’s why a lot of people like the guy.” https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/19/us/trump-rnc-republican-convention/fdcfc875-ac74-5869-a601-99b38f6034db?smid=url-share
  3. What are they saying? Are they leaning Trump?
  4. All of Dahobbs’s friends and family are ideologically aligned with him. Hahahah. Give me a fucking break and grow up. Normal people avoid talking about politics in a social setting. Your neighbor might be a closet fascist and you wouldn’t know.
  5. Grindr is a good resource to find drugs in a new city. Lots of straight people looking for plugs are on Grindr.
  6. Yeah let’s not help working people in an industry fucked by COVID and inflation. Why would Republicans want to help regular front of the house restaurant staff.
  7. The stimulus was needed in 2020 when people were losing their jobs. Would we have seen inflation the following year without the stimulus, possibly, but there wasn’t a need for the additional stimulus in 2021. Adding $1.5 trillion to the money supply is going to cause inflationary pressure which with the the supply chain issues caused the worst inflation in over 40 years. The point is that the 2021 stimulus was a policy choice by Biden that was not needed at that time.
  8. Actually, I think it would help a ton. Think about it, servers get a lower hourly wage because of tips. I am sure servers are seeing a reduction in tips because people are getting pinched by the costs of going out to eat (which is bullshit if you can’t afford to tip don’t go out to eat). Most people put tips on cards now so you can’t get away with not reporting it. It would help a lot dude.
  9. Maybe he just hates the Democrats more than the Republicans and that’s enough. Who says you have to agree with everything about the candidate or the party’s policies. Come on man grow up.
  10. Has a convention nomination speech ever had a PowerPoint graph? This is a first.
  11. Isn’t it boring not to have true believers like me or normies like honeysuckle participate. Isn’t a nice break from the echo chamber. This is OUR NIGHT damn it.
  12. Really, when did the Nuremberg Laws get enacted? Is that in the Republican Platform. Guess what - I would have passed under those laws too.
  13. We didn’t need the stimulus in 2021. That’s what set off the inflation going nuts.
  14. No tax on tips is yuge!!! Greatest increase in lower income wage growth in recent memory was during the first Trump term.
  15. The war was in 2003 and those posts were on hornfans.
  16. Thank you for coming out of the closet. This is a very hostile place for those of us who reject the Dems.
  17. Why else was I ostracized on West Mall? Tell me? There were just a handful of us against the war. The rest of y’all slurped GWB and Colin Powell’s balls.
  18. Remind them about the booming Trump economy!! Hammer Biden when it comes to inflation. According to @troph Biden is not responsible for inflation even though he passed that horrible COVID stimulus in 2021 when it wasn’t needed.
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