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The Tower

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Tower

  1. sweden got robbed there. should have been a foul.
  2. This game has lived up to its hype.
  3. They are terrible. I wish espn or nbc had it. They would do a better job than this crap job fox is doing. Most of their announcing crews are based in LA and not in Russia.
  4. I think Seattle has a real legitimate shot. It is a big soccer town and the city will really support it. Vancouver, Chicago, and Minneapolis chose to take its towns out of contention due to FIFA's demands. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/fifa-follies-chicago-minneapolis-join-vancouver-in-saying-no-to-hosting-2026-world-cup-games-1.4577941
  5. I think Seattle has a real legitimate shot. It is a big soccer town and the city will really support it. Vancouver, Chicago, and Minneapolis chose to take its towns out of contention due to FIFA's demands. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/fifa-follies-chicago-minneapolis-join-vancouver-in-saying-no-to-hosting-2026-world-cup-games-1.4577941
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