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The Tower

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Tower

  1. he stayed too damn long and let his ego ruined texas football towards the end of his career
  2. damn, that would have sucked if the rockets lost that game. thank god they didn't.
  3. Thoughts? stoops enjoys a bag of dicks.
  4. Yes. Let him rest up. There’s no point now until the playoffs risking injury.
  5. lolz the official pulling wagner
  6. Sorry for your loss. Hook'em forever.
  7. that was a badass shot. nice comeback
  8. The way you can judge a TV show's success is like a movie. If the ratings hold in week 3, then it really is a hit. People tuned in due to curiosity and marketing by ABC. I personally think she's fucking nuts but I actually liked the nostalgia it bought back from watching the show.
  9. so glad this thread is here. love the HG method.
  10. Listening on soundcloud: Those were so many old memories, from the chat room that night in 2007 with Blacklab and Pancho Negro.
  11. holy shit. the threat of the daughter is not cool at all.
  12. where do i send my $9.95 to?
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