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The Tower

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Tower

  1. Well yeah because the thread titles gave up on me.
  2. The Tower

    ou sucks...

    fuck them to infinity
  3. I believe the magic number is 5, according to http://www.playoffstatus.com/nba/westernwinmagicnumbers.html
  4. ...but they were good people. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/03/25/four-texas-tech-players-arrested-early-sunday-morning/
  5. Looks good on Chrome Mobile.
  6. Solid win last night against the Pelicans. 1st place in the West so far and a franchise record for most wins.
  7. Might as well get it started. Because it is not going away.
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