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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. This. This. Already is. Well done. This. This. This. I live in the Republic of New York City. I work in commodities. Trump crazy will bring volatillity which means I will be just fine. I have no kids, so don't have to consider the future beyond my lifetime. I will be looking to buy something in Europe as a way to get the fuck out just in case. A lot of people in this country who voted for Trump are about to Fuck Around and Find Out, and I really cannot give a rat's ass anymore.
  2. Can you post about it in the Thanksgiving thread? I would appreciate the laughs.
  3. Here is my thing about the tariffs. I am 99.9% certain Donald Trump has no fucking clue how they work. I am sure his people tried to explain it, but he is really that stupid. Second, for those that think he does and say, "Oh, Tariffs will bring back manufacturing." They most likely won't. Even if you manufactured some of those goods here, the start up costs alone would most likely be prohibitive. And for some of them, the know how just does not exist. So, this is going to be really fun to watch play out coupled with mass deportations. Fortunately, if I want French wine, luxury goods, etc.. I can go to Europe anytime and buy them direct. The people bitching about the price of eggs and milk, not so much. Good fucking luck, rubes.
  4. Oh, that douchebag. Makes sense.
  5. I’ve done all the genealogy on my family. With my dad, we are English, French and German. French married into English, and English came over in 1705. German came over in 1710. So, not recent enough. For my mom, we have Irish and English. Irish and English came together and English came over in 1698. My grandfather’s grandmother was either full Cherokee or half (can’t remember), so I have nothing on that side either other than my family has been in this land a fuck load longer than either DJT or JDV.
  6. God, you are a beating.
  7. So, given the Congress that Biden had starting in 2022, what exactly could have been done? Further, I believe a lot of these programs were forced to end becuase of lawsuits, etc... Laying all the blame on the Biden and Harris is disingenuous. Also, if Biden were to try to use his executive order power, more than often than not, it would be blocked by useful idiot state AGs like Paxton, or the idiots in Oklahome or Missouri. So, given all those factors, what do you suggest be done?
  8. I have been waiting for troph to say that same thing
  9. Based on some of the posters on this board, what is wrong with young men are their parents. If a young man has hateful parents who blame everyone else for their lot in life, chances are, the apple isn't going to fall far from the tree. Sorry, but that is where we are.
  10. I have no sympathy for these folks. He is now on ignore.
  11. You have a special needs child, and you voted for Trump? Also, not going to lie, economically, things are going to get worse. And when it does, you have to own that. Own that you brought it onto yourself.
  12. I eventually have put most of the trolls on ignore. Frank Drebin (aka Johnny Sack) was doing all that while he was at his daughter's tumbling class. Seems like a swell guy to me.
  13. I went to bed at 11. I was scrolling until about 3:30. I was up at 7 trying to work. I took a nap this afternoon, and am about to go crash. Have a swim session in the AM before heading into the office. I have a table at Le Veau D'Or tomorrow evening. I am going to drown my sorrows.
  14. It's immortal. He has crossed that line so many times.
  15. Well good for you. But you still voted for a felon and a rapist for President. So maybe stop the lecturing for us to try and understand your side. Saying it was the economy and voting for someone that is willing to crash the US economy and impose massive tariffs tells me you do not give a rats ass about the economy. You are just using that as an excuse becuase you like the things that he rants about. Good luck in your life.
  16. And the new immortal13 user name @HellesBier has just opined that everyone that does not or cannot has kids are bottom feeders, do nothing for society, and would have been enslaved by the Greeks. What a delight he is.
  17. Ok, internet tough guy. L-O-fucking-L. Good to know that you think all people who do not or cannot have children are bottom feeders and do not contribute. You must be so pleasant to be around in person.
  18. Who gives a shit if I were a lesbian? Have something against lesbians? Not the slur you think it is. But reported.
  19. And the sheep will believe him because they are in a cult.
  20. Question, do you believe NYC is a crime-ridden dystopia?
  21. Whose sock is @HellesBier? Is that Immortal?
  22. Fuck off, cunt.
  23. The majority of Americans who voted, voted for a rapist and a felon. Someone completely unqualified and unfit to be president of the United States in both intelligence and temperment. Given the racial slurs, misogyny, and hate towards people that are not "Christian," I am totally ok with saying that those that voted for Donald Trump are garbage human beings.
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