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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. Which means that those people actually aren't libertarians. The Libertarian Party is a fucking joke.
  2. Comer is going on the networks saying he did confirm it. Of course, the hearing was behind closed doors, without Democrats attending, behind closed doors, and not under oath. Fucking Comer is a traitor just like the rest of his fucking party. Corrected. Daniel Goldman did attend and stayed to the end. Ultimately, the entire GQP is misrepresenting this entire hearing. What a fucking joke the GQP is. They are a domestic terror organization.
  3. That was my second reaction after Fuck Cancer.
  4. I support age limits. You cannot run for public office if you would take office after turning 75. If you are a senator, and win while 74, and take the oath of office at 74, you can serve out that term, but you are prohibited from running again. Period. And I would say that you have that age line be the line for judges. You must announce your retirement within a month of your 75th birthday, and it can be for no more than 12 months later.
  5. The message needs to be that whole swaths of our population will have their rights taken away under a Trump regime. You also show the things Biden has done, like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPS Act. He has been really effective given the thin majority he had.
  6. Might look at the Nomo Soho. I used to stay there all the time when it was the Mondrian. Great location. It is on Crosby between Howard and Grand.
  7. Marsha Blackburn and Joni Ernst need to fuck off, fucking traitors.
  8. Just watched this. Fucking hilarious.
  9. Yeah, we had this argument back in 2021 when I was headed to Naples, having previously been in 2018. I told you then you were way off. I mean, sorry but the food is awesome, the city is steeped in history, and some of the views are absolutely amazing.
  10. I had no idea there were Jews in New York City.
  11. The end of that episode was laugh put loud. Just fantastic.
  12. Yeah, disagree with you on that. Wasn’t the last time you went more than 20 years ago?
  13. I already commented that I hoped Trump would Jim Jones his cult. Unfortunately, it is probably the only way.
  14. Just hear to say that Jason Aldean and Bro Country suck massively. I saw him once at Houston Rodeo and it was horribad. We left about 4 songs in.
  15. Now, if only the Trumpies will actually follow through on their threat to leave the US if he is convicted. That would mean an even bigger swing but it would also mean: 1. Collective IQ of the US goes up. 2. Collective BMI of the US goes down. Because of 2, healthcare costs go down. Come on Trumpies, fucking follow through for once.
  16. Fuck all these guys. What complete pieces of shit. This is what misogyny looks like.
  17. I just want to come in here and say I find it HILARIOUS that Derka, of all fucking people, started this fucking thread. He is the definition of butthurt over small fucking things, and will rant and rave about it in book length threads. You be you, Derka.
  18. Whose fucking sock is this? Nevermind. Just saw this is another GRUHorn incarnate. How fucking pathetic are you that you keep getting crowd sourced and then come back again, and again, and again. Get a fucking life.
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